Hi, I have lost an account, and it was years ago I had played on it. I have most of the info that can prove that i own it as well. Only problem is I havent played in years. So this is my recollection of things, and Im sure the account says its been inactive for years now. Thanks for checking it out.
-Account Username I believe i Remember.
-Played on Lugh, Sulis I believe as well.
-Character name was Smoshy.
-Lvl 120 Or 110. Between those im almost positive.
-Email Had to be one of 2.
-Wearing Meteoric Boots and gloves, Meteoric sword, and the chestplate and greaves were both downgraded version of the meteoric stuff.
-Had a Decent level mage on the account as well maybe about lvl 70? Its a rough guess because I cannot remember that.
-Last I remember I was grinding horse dudes on Smoshy in overworld or whatever the name of the extra world is.
I Dont want to restart the grind all over again so I would prefer to get my account back so I can start where I left off. I have access to any of the emails and Its been an inactive account for years now so it shouldnt be a big problem. if there is any information needed to get the account back that I need please reply and let me know. Thanks.
Muldar, got a lost account.
Last edited by Benji on Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.