by Sorashi69
Same thing happend with us today on Balor during our Gelebron attempt, around of 40 people at arcane...at the start everything was OK but in the middle of the fight the lag started badly, and become worse during the fight till the point that a double shot took 10s to cast and bashes couldnt be used on gelebron to avoid barrier. We needed to call it off because of the lag, result: tons of lixes, alt books, rebs and time wasted because of the LAG.- ah, also we lost most our times during it. We also wont be attempting gelebron till it is fixed... during the lag people got dc and couldnt log again, others clannies that were lvling said that they could not cast skills also...
Hope this is going to be fixed soon
Last edited by
Sorashi69 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sorashi- Ranger lvl 225 (main)
Lethe Diana- Druid lvl 218
Tupiniquim- Rogue lvl 190
Clan: Aequilibrium
Server: Balor