Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Food Of The Gods Open Beta Sign Up!

Hey Heroes,

As we get closer and closer to releasing the Food Of The Gods Update, we'd like you to be involved in the finishing touches!
Open Beta sign up is now live at the following link: https://www.tfaforms.com/4627066

Loco has made a handy guide on how to participate: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =4&t=91407

We are aiming to beta test in the next few weeks so sign up now before it's too late!

(Announcements will be posted via the forums when dates are confirmed)

Look forward to beta testing with you!

Re: Food Of The Gods Open Beta Sign Up!

Meh, I hope this time i will be able to log or else it will be the same as always. Create new character in beta and keep asking for fixing that issues.
I hope that one day, I will be able to ascend to "Heaven".
Where I play guitar and violin along with sipping a tea.
In a beautiful and breathtaking place and to converse in many languages.
That is my dream. That is my "Heaven"

Re: Food Of The Gods Open Beta Sign Up!

Looking forward to it :D
Quick question, should I use my icloud or yahoo email, or is either fine? I never got the flight test link last beta, might be because I put the wrong one in.
LordOfDiablos: 228 Support Rogue
HealerOfEvil: 180 Support Druid
ButcherOfEvil: 180 Tank Warrior
Proud General of Enigma!
'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

Re: Food Of The Gods Open Beta Sign Up!

Looking forward to it :D
Quick question, should I use my icloud or yahoo email, or is either fine? I never got the flight test link last beta, might be because I put the wrong one in.
Use iCloud, I am going to amend the form for no Yahoo addresses as they never receive the Testflight notification.

Re: Food Of The Gods Open Beta Sign Up!

Looking forward to it :D
Quick question, should I use my icloud or yahoo email, or is either fine? I never got the flight test link last beta, might be because I put the wrong one in.
Use iCloud, I am going to amend the form for no Yahoo addresses as they never receive the Testflight notification.
Yeah the only thing yahoo addresses receive are spam and phishing attacks. :lol:
Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion

Clan Relentless

Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.

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