Can you tell me why my comment was removed is it because I spoke pure sense ... The new revival chests should not be removed for at least another month ppeople like me who can not afford to just spend £100 on a GAME at any given time now cannot acquire the old items from old events in the past I have been playing since the launch of OTM Celtic heroes that have gone through all these great events that no longer exist because you have changed the system I was going to buy a good bit of platinum this weekend just FOR THE CHANCE to acquire something I did not get the chance to in the past events that I was live through such as carpets and dragon staffs night flyers etc Lanrisk fashion and more because people like me who have been playing since the launch are complaining because it will make there items they have saved for numerous year to make SUPER OVERPRICED because those including myself are unable to acquire these items because they are no longer about because we/I missed the chance and couldn't afford in game currency or those who was never a player in the game to acquire these items in the first place this is totally in fair considering the fact that the rich have already bough numerous of these chests and acquired the fashion and carpet staffs and wings etc because they have just forked out a bunch of cash and people like me normal citizens who get paid on a weekly/monthly basis will now never get the chance to acquire these things because you have removed them before our pay days the only days we can afford to fork out such a large sum of £100 witch is a incredible amount to spend on a game do not remove the chest but yet maybe start a petition so the users them selves can vote on what we want not what a couple of peoples opinions are but us the players of all servers and both devices can give you the answer you seek of weather you should keep these in the game or not I find this totally un equal and us fair ...MrNiceGuy420(Mabon)
what to even say to this rant, there is no structure to it at all so kinda hard to pick it apart.
Some of arawn's biggest fashion collectors have never spent a dime on this game btw buddy, but they do spend a lot of time farming gold, probably spend more time farming gold then it would take to earn the money with a job irl to buy chests but its their preference.
Fashion isn't lux nor event gear, it is purely a luxury item that isn't needed for game play, but rather a way to distinguish yourselves from others. that is its sole purpose.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at