Thanks To OTM
#1I would honestly like to thank all of the staff for all the hard work put into the game! Yes we complain sometimes and although I didn't like the decision of taking the chests out I commend the fact that the team readily took it upon them selves for listening to the community. And we all have to praise that as a community even if we don't want them gone. The past few months playing this ga,e have been more fun then I've had since I started playing. Not because the problems that aren't fixed and sure there are quite a few. But because watching my clannies grow from rag tag only killing hrung months ago to more than capable of taking every edl down and all raids except prot and gale (given necro isn't griefed) I just want to shed some positivity and I hope the staff knows that even the people who are talking them down love your game and without it would not have met the people they have and created a hobby from something as simple as an iPhone game. Big thanks to the staff at one thumb mobile!