Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

shalmont ravine !

hmm what could be behind that ravine that the goblins blocked?? hmmm i think it will bring us to the darker side of the celtic heroes

tell me what you think ?
Ign: spyro
Class: rogue

Re: shalmont ravine !

Hi there,

I'm Tom, I'm a designer on the game.

The Shalemont Ravine zone point and map were put in as a slight teaser for people, and we'll certainly be adding a new zone in there - hopefully sooner rather than later, if all goes well! My idea was that it would be a mountainous ravine leading away from the grassy coastal areas of Lir's Reach into somewhere rather more craggy and dangerous, perhaps with a few caves and sub-zones as well (as regards Jimmy Livefjord's art, we all think he did a fantastic job on Dustwither Catacombs, so who knows?)

Before that though, we're probably going to try to add in another dungeon with some high(er) level content in it into Lir's Reach. Richard and I have also been throwing some ideas around for some sort of mini-zone, perhaps an offshore island of some kind which could be the base of some group of evil druids? I have a few ideas, nothing definite yet, but we'll be certain to let you know when we start working on something concrete.

Finally, as this is my first post since we launched, I'd like to thank all of you for supporting us, and say well done to all the high-level players - I'll try and come up with something for you soon!

Re: shalmont ravine !

Yes,the eastern dock would be a perfect place to put the enterance to an off shore dungeon or a cave-ish undersea grotto with higher lvl mobs(higher than what's in the catacombs)I'll be at lvl 50 soon with no place to go and nothing to do in the mean time before a larger update with more content.

Re: shalmont ravine !

I personally think it could be the second map part of Heroes Like you pass through a passage fighting creatures and when you hit other side you get a keypoint, and when you pass through it will take you to new map that has more villages and new weapons. :D At least thats what i want it to be
World: Arawn
IGN: Loopworm
Clan: RedBranch
Level: 36 Rogue

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