The problem always is people . And rolling with a cooperative server take away most of that negative possibility of people causing disruption. Which always occurs Bc people are GREEDY
Depends on which side of the coin you're on. To me greedy is showing up at a boss and rolling for an item that you're going to throw in AH to make gold or give it to a friend when someone else that's at the kill (mord, necro, dl, etc) can use the item. I think that's horribly greedy. Some people prefer that and that's fine. The other reason I dislike rolls is before Fingal moved to DKP and was rolls based, I've seen mages go to a year's worth of hrungs and it never drops a skull. Then one day it drops a skull and one player who has a mage shows up at his first hrung and won a void firestorm skull. But some players love rolls and that's okay also.
Most clans on epona don't allow important drops to be sold.
A lot of people that play don't have time to always participate. I've noticed the silent quiet types struggle a lot and the loud whiny brats get what they want often. Hate seeing that.
Epona isn't a perfect server, none ever will be. But I believe it is the closest, and Nuada can be better.
Clans that get their own drops can have a dkp based system within the clan still. The rolling is meant for outside clan participation. So like if someone is on at odd hours and their clan isn't active at that time they don't feel left out and can still participate. Based on how close they are to the bosses lvl
Of people are seen abusing drops and not helping their clan usually they get kicked. If further problems occur then people get banned from rolling on the server. But people always can solo their own stuff (outside of clan usually) and sell it ofcourse those that multi device
I'm sorry for al the edits. I'm just trying to speak for those that do not for whatever reason. Being shy quiet or not being on forums. I'm not saying any of this Bc I personally am going to gain. Heck I love dom too. But I think a healthy server is cooperative. And to try and help make this server fun for everyone is not easy.