Just about any server can make an argument about why they are the best. What kind of player are you and what are you looking for in your server? Without specifics of what you like then their isn't a best server.
Exactly, that's one of the things I like about this game; there's great diversity in servers. Prefer co op and an open market? Epona. Love lock battles and competition? Gwydion. Like having a clan orientated server, but hate lock battles and camping? Taranis (pretty sure they still use that system, you'll have to ask though). There's no 'best server', but there's a server for everyone.
Well there are a few servers that are worse than the others. The three bad servers I hear being brought up over and over again are Lugh, Sulis, and Herne. Not sure about the ex Android servers tho although I've heard that atleast one of them is pretty bad, don't remember which one
We are not bad. We just have some problems with a few players in top. So stop believing all the people who say Sulis sucks and stop ruining pur reputation.
Test it out youself first
@OP if you decide to go to Sulis, maybe because you want more action than on the boring (some people calling them also friendly) servers, Message me ig, i'll help with what i can. IG Name: Heigen