People wanting the same chests back are not thinking in the long term for OTM.
If the chests are available for three days and everyone spends like 300-400$ in that time, sure OTM would profit.
HOWEVER, after those days absolutely nobody, and I mean nobody, will buy plat for at least a month, and the plats sales after that will be very low due to people waiting spontaneous releases of similar chests.
It's just a small street leading to a highway to the downfall of every server's economy.
Legacy drops should be very rare and available for a longer period of time. Would benefit everyone, except the lazy and selfish.
As it stands, people only buy chests in order to sell them. Then they use the gold to buy back the pet/mount tokens and lix that came from those chests. It would be nice if they did away with the token system and returned to the fash/mount model they had before, but I don't see that happening as they have future plans for pets and mounts to be released....
I've had zero incentive to buy plat since the token system was introduced, unless I need gold for something. I think a big part of the excitement over the revival chests is a return to the fash/mount drops we had for so long, which were then stripped as an option. Nothing in the current chests is a pleasant surprise when you open them, only more of the same items you probably have 100 of rotting in the bank, or are trying to sell at rock bottom prices in the auction house...
Will new players get old fashion? Yes. Will it devalue legacy players investments? Yes. Unless: Otm amends the name/description of the pieces to give some weight to owning an original piece. This is the best compromise I can think of. New players would still have to pay millions for an original fashion piece or mount, and older players would benefit from the flowing of lix the chests would provide.