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Lughs future discussion

Hey lugh!

Since cross platform arrived I wanted come back to game and start playing again but I don't see how I can with current situation with all this negative vibes from the competition.

I know and agree to it before alliance went dominate people like myself and others didn't try as hard as they did or lix up for raids and that was the fuel that made them go dominant clan. I think that it was kinda out the blue and even so they managed out power most lugh, and they did it with a lot less numbers. But I think that its time that we start discussing what we should do so we can bring back activity here and be able do things other servers can't without having to worry about what happened in past. It's been long time and only so many people still log on here to play because they have to because they got no where else to go. TO THE POINT......:

Alliance and other reasonable leaders should come togather and try make rules for the future of lugh; rules concerning fights and what they must be able do to be eligible to roll. Reasons why people should be banned from sold accounts to scamming. Battle locks and other raids if we want set time or kill on spawn so all have fair chance being at raid. And many more things so that not only alliance members are doing work like in past but everyone is doing there fair part of the raid.

Some will criticize this but with way other servers are playing lugh should be on top if it came back to how it used to be. I do thing it's time we discuss this without criticizing the thought of doing so; many people are growing and some going school eventually things will turn around and unfathomable might be worse when some other clan besides alliance try do things there way. Maybe lugh can start becoming more popular just like it was in past. That's all I have say but let's all try think for what's happened and how we can better fit together and make sure we still have fun.

Re: Lughs future discussion

Lugh is dead, both sides hate each other and will most likely never get along. Axis has leaders that basically scammed drops from Alliance's bank (mainly looking at the gele dagger) and they have leaders that Alliance simply doesn't like for a multitude of reasons.

Was told that Alliance is starting to slow down, but if Alliance dies then so does Lugh because Axis isn't a reliable clan. Lugh will never go back to normal, there's just way to much drama that can't be undone. It's easier to xfer out than try and fix the huge mess that Lugh is.
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Lughs future discussion

Lugh is dead, both sides hate each other and will most likely never get along. Axis has leaders that basically scammed drops from Alliance's bank (mainly looking at the gele dagger) and they have leaders that Alliance simply doesn't like for a multitude of reasons.

Was told that Alliance is starting to slow down, but if Alliance dies then so does Lugh because Axis isn't a reliable clan. Lugh will never go back to normal, there's just way to much drama that can't be undone. It's easier to xfer out than try and fix the huge mess that Lugh is.
It doesn't matter if one likes other people just need to get along enough to be able just fight bosses I think many people would come back if that happens.

Re: Lughs future discussion

Lol, we've tried making peace with Alliance on multiple occasions, I offered them rolling on bosses we lock as long as they help in the SLIGHTEST hope that we can get along and when I brought that proposal to their leader, I got ignored, so i spoke to a gen, and he straight up said no, they are a very competition driven clan and aren't interested in helping anyone but themselves, DON'T get me wrong, there are some great people in Alliance, it's the leaders that are too stubborn/proud to even consider an Alliance with another clan. Kinda ironic huh?

I am Adelobe, I am rogue!

Re: Lughs future discussion

As a leader of Alliance I can tell you we have no intention of working together with anyone in Axis. I won't go into details because there a quite a few reasons.

Lugh isn't dead, there are 2 active clans fighting for most bosses, so if you like lockbattles it's not that bad. There is also almost no insulting anymore, everything cooled down.
Perkamentus, lv 230 Full Doch Gul Ice Mage
Avanor, lv 220 Rogue
Silvos, lv 191 Ranger

Retired Chieftain now Clansman of Pegasus, Lugh.

Re: Lughs future discussion

And this is exactly what i told the kids on the server when they decided to vote out roll system, but hey now we got 2 clans who are

1: both paranoid kicking their own members thinking there are spies all over
2: now we got a few people who can hoard all the drops they want and if they want pick who gets geared and doesn't in this new "fair" system.
3: we cant do unfathomable because servers split. remember the days where all us would gather to do necro?

If only we could have roll system back, even if i never won unfathomable it was better system why should people have to be in YOUR clan to be able to gain endgame gear?

P.S. this is devilldave

Re: Lughs future discussion

As a leader of Alliance I can tell you we have no intention of working together with anyone in Axis. I won't go into details because there a quite a few reasons.

Lugh isn't dead, there are 2 active clans fighting for most bosses, so if you like lockbattles it's not that bad. There is also almost no insulting anymore, everything cooled down.
The reason is because almost everyone in Axis are all Alliance rejects. Some are considered scammers which is understandable, some are downright annoying, and some are complete assholes. It's even worse that Axis has these players as leaders which is laughable from the outside.

Lugh is a dying server, I see more people leaving than coming and there are definitely better servers out there.
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Lughs future discussion

And this is exactly what i told the kids on the server when they decided to vote out roll system, but hey now we got 2 clans who are

1: both paranoid kicking their own members thinking there are spies all over
2: now we got a few people who can hoard all the drops they want and if they want pick who gets geared and doesn't in this new "fair" system.
3: we cant do **** because servers split. remember the days where all us would gather to do necro?

If only we could have roll system back, even if i never won **** it was better system why should people have to be in YOUR clan to be able to gain endgame gear?

P.S. this is devilldave
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

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