-there was snow on the ground
-snowmen behind the village
-actual events
-actual event items
-could turn off your device and still have the game running in the background so you could afk forever
-no afk timer (goes along with the one above)
-when the castle was one room with a platform in the middle and the stairs to go up to get lux
-when the lux shop wasn't split up (Shale and castle now)
-when there were event mobs that you could kill in lirs to get items
-when you could pick up items around lirs when you're bored during events
-when servers didn't crash 20 times every update
-when every area was full of people and not empty af
-when I could drop chickens and send videos of me doing it to curry..... wait a minute.... I still do

-when you could use idols in arena
-when you could do a glitch and duel someone anywhere in castle ( I dueled myself infront of arena entrance)
-when the castle was only one floor
-when you could run up from troll pit because you could walk through a wall
-when stonevale was more open and didn't have so many random roads
-when warden quests required more discs
-when there was a huge fairy in front of castle
-when people floated above you when people leyed on top of you
-when redbane was infront of crook back (not sure if it was redbane correct me if I'm wrong just remember a big red guy lol)
-when you needed to kill those rare wisps for the crystals in order to get your meteoric wep
Proud to be the Biggest Noob in crom
(Warrior) Heroskill: 191 - retired
(Druid) DemDruidsDoe - 221 (Totem Build Druid)
https://myanimelist.net/profile/Heroskill <---