Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Remember when...

Remember when Aggragoth was killed by clans before he was itemized, and all he dropped for first couple of weeks were Aggragoth Tooth.
Then OTM rushed a patch with Aggy items and explained why aggy bracers don't have class restrictions because they're "for every class".
And then otm promised a use for the tooth and never implemented anything ,_,
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Remember when...

-When the trolls in the mordy cave wouldn't stop following you
-when deadroot was at falgren
-when ironscale was past the bridge at grey gorge or whatever the ley is called
-when i could you a crappy device to play ch
-when my device allowed me to enter stonevale amd lirs reach
-when mounts could glitch and become invisible and i would tell everyone i had a 100% camo mount cause u know it was invisible (tehnically i wasnt lying)
-when i could get full wardens and met at same lvl(still got a lvl 67 warrior that has full wardens. Wished i kept it exactly at 60 and dominated pvp while all the other good pvp chars that lvl was trying to buy quartz for millions)
-when quartz and diamond was around
-when ch had alot more glitch spots(walking behind the wooden gate at greygorge to enter the river. Only one i could think of)
-when their was this glitch where you walked into arena at the same time as you leyed to courtyard ley and the result would be you saw the arena but it was actually castle so if you dueled someone you could hide in the fountain because there was no collisions besides the arena walls
-when quest armour didnt have aura
-When there was no crit skills and autos, no crit xp or gold, no decreased req xp to lvl, no quest chain after sv so we had to suffer and grind it out
-When mages using auto gear like rad es and fire blade was common and op
-when $100 to purchase 500k was basically enough to get you some of the best gear in the game
-when the eg rogues at 150 would use corbin bracers cause there was no aura or anc beastbome
-when rogue skills sucked
-when it would be common to see tons of warriors from lvl 20-50 wearing full dustwither plate armour with their tower shields and falcon sword i think its called
-when there was only one type of defector quest and it gave a combo
-When heroic lixes didn't exist
-when idols gave you full hp
-when you didnt need to be grouped to use spring of life so pricks would kill me in arena revive me just to kill ke again xD
-when rogues sucked at pvp
-when arena would just have like 3 rangers in the center and each rotating their bolas till you are dead

Im sure theres alot more but thats just my fun memories and experieces
yeh now you can spend $20-$25 to get 1mil from other players, really no point in buying plat, even if you sell chests for 40k ea you still can't make a profit, but I suppose if you opened all of them and had the slim chance of getting something decent.
It is within you to succeed
My character Souleste was named after myself -

- my middle name is Celeste, so Souleste seems fitting...
Ice all on me

Re: Remember when...

-there was snow on the ground
-snowmen behind the village
-actual events
-actual event items
-could turn off your device and still have the game running in the background so you could afk forever
-no afk timer (goes along with the one above)
-when the castle was one room with a platform in the middle and the stairs to go up to get lux
-when the lux shop wasn't split up (Shale and castle now)
-when there were event mobs that you could kill in lirs to get items
-when you could pick up items around lirs when you're bored during events
-when servers didn't crash 20 times every update
-when every area was full of people and not empty af
-when I could drop chickens and send videos of me doing it to curry..... wait a minute.... I still do :D
-when you could use idols in arena
-when you could do a glitch and duel someone anywhere in castle ( I dueled myself infront of arena entrance)
-when the castle was only one floor
-when you could run up from troll pit because you could walk through a wall
-when stonevale was more open and didn't have so many random roads
-when warden quests required more discs
-when there was a huge fairy in front of castle
-when people floated above you when people leyed on top of you
-when redbane was infront of crook back (not sure if it was redbane correct me if I'm wrong just remember a big red guy lol)
-when you needed to kill those rare wisps for the crystals in order to get your meteoric wep
Proud to be the Biggest Noob in crom :)
(Warrior) Heroskill: 191 - retired

(Druid) DemDruidsDoe - 221 (Totem Build Druid)

---> https://myanimelist.net/profile/Heroskill <---

Re: Remember when...

-there was snow on the ground
-snowmen behind the village
-actual events
-actual event items
-could turn off your device and still have the game running in the background so you could afk forever
-no afk timer (goes along with the one above)
-when the castle was one room with a platform in the middle and the stairs to go up to get lux
-when the lux shop wasn't split up (Shale and castle now)
-when there were event mobs that you could kill in lirs to get items
-when you could pick up items around lirs when you're bored during events
-when servers didn't crash 20 times every update
-when every area was full of people and not empty af
-when I could drop chickens and send videos of me doing it to curry..... wait a minute.... I still do :D
-when you could use idols in arena
-when you could do a glitch and duel someone anywhere in castle ( I dueled myself infront of arena entrance)
-when the castle was only one floor
-when you could run up from troll pit because you could walk through a wall
-when stonevale was more open and didn't have so many random roads
-when warden quests required more discs
-when there was a huge fairy in front of castle
-when people floated above you when people leyed on top of you
-when redbane was infront of crook back (not sure if it was redbane correct me if I'm wrong just remember a big red guy lol)
-when you needed to kill those rare wisps for the crystals in order to get your meteoric wep
Idols in arena were the reasons i ran out of idols.-.


Re: Remember when...

-Bind on equip hrung mord and necro gears, in addition to the event drops(was soul killing)
-rend had blood red color as opposed to black white color
-poison wep cast animation was badass
-stonevale wisps(redundant ik, but everyone loves em)
-when pict torches can use used as a weapon
-luthers head could be scythed off as an item
-secret door to sewers through castle(blasphemy)
-fire/ice attunement cooldown lasted a week and mages would flip whenever they die after casting
-camping DL bosses without flo's timer app with snorris inhuman windows
-when people would do inappropriate things to the kneeling NPC near old castle leystone
Adrohan - 226 Rogue, Fingal
Get kills or die trying!
First Mordris n Necro kill on Android, nuff said

Re: Remember when...

-Bind on equip hrung mord and necro gears, in addition to the event drops(was soul killing)
Greatest change OTM had done was remove Bind on Equip. I remember I was mercilessly flamed in the forums for constantly asking them to take it out. Now people love it. Go figure.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Remember when...

-there was snow on the ground
-snowmen behind the village
-actual events
-actual event items
-could turn off your device and still have the game running in the background so you could afk forever
-no afk timer (goes along with the one above)
-when the castle was one room with a platform in the middle and the stairs to go up to get lux
-when the lux shop wasn't split up (Shale and castle now)
-when there were event mobs that you could kill in lirs to get items
-when you could pick up items around lirs when you're bored during events
-when servers didn't crash 20 times every update
-when every area was full of people and not empty af
-when I could drop chickens and send videos of me doing it to curry..... wait a minute.... I still do :D
-when you could use idols in arena
-when you could do a glitch and duel someone anywhere in castle ( I dueled myself infront of arena entrance)
-when the castle was only one floor
-when you could run up from troll pit because you could walk through a wall
-when stonevale was more open and didn't have so many random roads
-when warden quests required more discs
-when there was a huge fairy in front of castle
-when people floated above you when people leyed on top of you
-when redbane was infront of crook back (not sure if it was redbane correct me if I'm wrong just remember a big red guy lol)
-when you needed to kill those rare wisps for the crystals in order to get your meteoric wep
Kos irl for reminding me of good ol days but more importantly sending me those demonic videos,_,
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


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