Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Your analogies suck ass. You can't compare the real world with a virtual world... you just can't. One legitimately matters and the other doesn't. Lord is right, it's just a damn game.

The whole point of dicing is to give everyone a chance at drops regardless of their clan... meaning there is no mega clan that takes all the drops for themselves forcing outsiders to compete with them which is a struggle. As a member of Ronin in Belenus I can say that even at 30k power, it's still tough competing against Elementals and their 34kish power. If you were an outsider you would understand how much servers like Epona are appreciated.

Brush your teeth Aileron noob

This is total bs. All my life I've only been in 2 dom clans, and this is over, what, like 10 servers?

I've been in secondary clans on rosemerta, arawn, gwydion, fingal, danu, and mabon.

I've been in secondary clans that struggle to kill hrung, to ones that kill mord, to ones that slide by on necro, to ones that kill prot, to ones that kill gele.

I can without a doubt confirm it's not nearly as bad as you present it as.
Just work hard and you get the work done. One thing I notice in about 1/3 or 1/4 of secondary clans is in the inside, they're all power hungry children jealous of the dom clans gear and constantly attacking them.

The good majority are just groups of friends hanging out and enjoying the game, doing their best to progress without causing drama.

You are the former.
Not saying it's the worst thing in the world, I actually quite like being an outsider to the top clan. It is, however, frustrating going up against a clan that has better gear than your clan, or we simply can't get the numbers online for bosses like necro or prot... simple things like that usually determine the outcome of a lock battle on raids and if you're going to say it's not frustrating then you're probably lying.

In Ronin we are just one big happy family that tries not to cause drama. I could join Elementals if I wanted to as I am friends with people in there, but I would rather stay with my old friends (some dating back to 2012-2013) in Ronin.

It is frustrating. It's human nature to be frustrated when you try and lose. But it's a game lol, just do what is most fun and makes you happy. For majority that's in dom clans, but if it's in a secondary clan go forth and have fun. There's a reason you're not i the dom clan, and for that reason you can't be attacking the dom clan lol

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Don't dish it if you cant take it.

My analogy is correct, just because it is beyond your realm of comprehension doesn't mean otherwise.
But how can one use an analogy to people who do not understand what an analogy is? Google is a useful tool.
Yea an analogy is simply just a comparison... but having a job in the real world earning money so you can eat dinner at night is completely different from earning loot from a boss in a complete made up virtual world with no real world value.

Kind of sick of hearing you and a few others going out of your way just to bash and talk negatively to people. What makes it worse is that you're probably a grown ass man.

Seriously, go brush your teeth
You're guilty yourself of bashing and insulting others.

The analogy wasn't a comparison of a video game and working. The analogy was about a specific circumstance of receiving an item through chance or certainty.

You could have an analogy centered around dolphins and welfare if the specific situation is similar even though dolphins and welfare are completely unrelated.
He was comparing getting items from bosses through luck to a $20,000 dollar bonus given to someone through luck.... so basically comparing a virtual world called Epona to a very unrealistic real world occurrence... kind of hard to find anything relatable with that and his "analogy" is very exaggerated. Of course one who has spent time in the business for a long time will be pissed if their boss gives a $20,000 bonus at random to someone who just started their job while they received nothing near that amount even though they have been working much harder/longer... but if you lose at dice for a simple drop that will drop again, then no harm done, just show to the next one and try again.

Some people legitimately depend on bonuses for a variety of reasons while anyone can live if they lose a drop to dice
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Just give up zkills...the analogy was correct and who cares if $20000 is exaggerated. Would you be happier if it is changed to $2000? The number is entirely irrelivent. It shows a side of luck and the long time worker/camper/attendee getting nothing even tho they have put in all the extra effort. All you are foing is showing how poorly you understand what an analogy is.
Ventius - level 227 ranger of dawn
Ventius - level 222 noob ranger of Enigma
Ventius - level 163 druid

RIP badabing

Your newest blue name who has dreams to one day be purple

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

@Aileron; Of course I know that was an analogy. But since you've reused the same analogy multiple times, it really seems like you believe playing CH is comparable to working for your livelihood.

And since you're so fond of analogies, here's one for our side of the argument:

A plane crashes in the ocean next to a small island. 20 people survive. There's a limited amount of food on this island, barely enough to feed the 20 people for a month.
6 of the 20 survivors form a group and take all the food they can find, hide it and divide it amongst themselves. The other 14, unable to eat, starve to death shortly before the group of 6 are rescued at week 3. Does that seem fair in the 21st century?
LordOfDiablos: 228 Support Rogue
HealerOfEvil: 180 Support Druid
ButcherOfEvil: 180 Tank Warrior
Proud General of Enigma!
'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Bad anology^ the real one should be. 10 form one group and those who work hard to get food for the group get the majority of the food. The other 10 split into another group, 5 help out loads 4 help out some 1 doesn't help at all but as they play a luck game to divide food the 1 can still get as much food as the others.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

@Aileron; Of course I know that was an analogy. But since you've reused the same analogy multiple times, it really seems like you believe playing CH is comparable to working for your livelihood.

And since you're so fond of analogies, here's one for our side of the argument:

A plane crashes in the ocean next to a small island. 20 people survive. There's a limited amount of food on this island, barely enough to feed the 20 people for a month.
6 of the 20 survivors form a group and take all the food they can find, hide it and divide it amongst themselves. The other 14, unable to eat, starve to death shortly before the group of 6 are rescued at week 3. Does that seem fair in the 21st century?
Would be a fine if in CH if your toon could die permanently and another clan was able to 'hide' the bosses from other groups. Since the other group can form together and fight for the food or bosses, there's a flaw.

Now if you switch it to say, which is more fair - on an island there is a limited amount of food given daily or weekly. Situation A is the people roll for their food even though some regularly go hunt, gather supplies, and contribute a lot whole some only occasionally help. Situation B is those that help the most receive the larger allotment of food.

In situation A, Bill who is an active contributer daily and Joe only contributes once a week both get an equal opportunity at the weeks allotment of food. In situation B, Bill would receive the most food because he contributed much more than Joe.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

@Aileron; Of course I know that was an analogy. But since you've reused the same analogy multiple times, it really seems like you believe playing CH is comparable to working for your livelihood.

And since you're so fond of analogies, here's one for our side of the argument:

A plane crashes in the ocean next to a small island. 20 people survive. There's a limited amount of food on this island, barely enough to feed the 20 people for a month.
6 of the 20 survivors form a group and take all the food they can find, hide it and divide it amongst themselves. The other 14, unable to eat, starve to death shortly before the group of 6 are rescued at week 3. Does that seem fair in the 21st century?
Would be a fine if in CH if your toon could die permanently and another clan was able to 'hide' the bosses from other groups. Since the other group can form together and fight for the food or bosses, there's a flaw.

Now if you switch it to say, which is more fair - on an island there is a limited amount of food given daily or weekly. Situation A is the people roll for their food even though some regularly go hunt, gather supplies, and contribute a lot whole some only occasionally help. Situation B is those that help the most receive the larger allotment of food.

In situation A, Bill who is an active contributer daily and Joe only contributes once a week both get an equal opportunity at the weeks allotment of food. In situation B, Bill would receive the most food because he contributed much more than Joe.
I think we have a misunderstanding; The group of 6 represents the dominant clan and the other 14 represent the rest of the server. Also, hiding was meant to represent locking a boss. Think of dying as quitting the game in this scenario.
LordOfDiablos: 228 Support Rogue
HealerOfEvil: 180 Support Druid
ButcherOfEvil: 180 Tank Warrior
Proud General of Enigma!
'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

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