Thanks everyone for all the info on this, It has helped out a lot.I would advise getting a Tier 4 pet and leaving it at level 1. Rather get a Tier 1 pet and breed it to level 3; same token cost, with a higher benefit. While the ceiling of the skills/attributes is higher with the Tier 4 pet at level 6 (128 tokens, I believe), it takes a LOT more than the Tier 1 pet at level 6 (32 tokens) - in my opinion, the exorbitant cost to max a Tier 4 pet far surpasses the marginal benefit.3) Should I save up and get the most expensive mount or pet or the cheapest one?
My opinion on the matter - other's feel differently. Just providing info from my experiences.
For the above post if I understand this properly, if I get a tier 1 pet, it will cost less to level up to lvl6 than if I was to start with a tier 4 pet and the benefits are marginal?
I have no pet tokens, I am not planning on paying real $$ for chests. So I would have to buy them in the in the auction.
I do have 4 Hunter prizes, now I need to choose..