Bob, it's extremely immature of you to say the only people not in res either don't prioritize eg or are blacklisted. Many are blacklisted for bad reasons. Many aren't even blacklisted. Many don't like the clan setup or the generals-first mindset.
i 100% deserved to be black listed lol, and you were blacklisted for how you treated people in the clan and how you always thought you were better and more deserving of respect than you had warranted on the server. Its that simple. As someone who was blacklisted i can say that it doesnt happen because res is bored...
No such thing as "best clan across all servers", they all have their weaknesses and strengths. Dont believe everything you read in the forum, especially if you havent been there personally to experience it yourself.. theres always two sides to a story.
I agree, and in case this was in response to my post... I tried to stay to what I have seen on the forums and remain objective... avoided saying x started y or x did this first and just said what i have seen happening, if i made an error or said something false please pm or comment what i did and i will apologize for what i did.
Idk, ur trashing about Avalon. I havent seen any concrete proof to ur claims on Avalon. If they griefed sure, but I wont decide that and judge them without seeing it myself. But u judge them yet complain about being judged urself.
Just because u wrote a big post doesnt make ur reasons decent. 1 reason was dissing Morrigan and Herne, another reason was DKP which wasnt explaining why ur clan is 'best', u were simply praising the system, most worlds use dkp. Another reason was that u chose DG sets over pieces. Cool? Yes. Smart? Not necessarily. The last paragraph was a recap of all the other ones. Only the first paragraph had good reasons.
Do u rather me list u like that why I think u were not objective? I preferred to simply tell u that and hopefully u were aware of it urself, and not list u why I think so. What else, as I mentioned Belenus is very small if not the smallest iOS server, and yet the majority of newcomers come from Arawn. No, not blacklisted 'scammers' even if u claim they are, in fact, most generous ppl Ive seen, but they all had animosity towards Resurgence as well as many stories that dont make u seem innocent, so dont go and throw blame on Avalon like that.
Before u claim Im derailing, Im simply defending the clan I think is best as it's part of the topic, the only derailing was to start saying why other clans are worse. If u need to belittle others to make ur clan seem the best, it isnt the best.
DKP is generally considered superior to rolling, and there have already been multiple threads on this issue, and even if you don't personally hold this belief it still carries weight as an argument in of itself due to the discussions on those threads. I didn't see a reason to clog a post defending dkp... and i never said DKP is why our clan is the best, no one clan is the best, nor did i ever say resurgence was the best, imo it is, but rather i offered a list of qualifications and charactersitics that imo make resurgence a clan that you wouldn't regret joining and one of the best in the game. And i still hold to this.
Some people do leave arawn for a variety of factors, but i can confirm that a lot of people that ik who left arawn for belanus were blacklisted from resurgence and kicked... a certain warrior for example who left res and started selling eg because he felt used as a tanked because we asked him to tank stuff... Many people joined res and left because we don't gear new comers with top gear right away... Res is an older clan and many of the generals have been there since start and have been active every month or almost every month, thus ofc they will be geared first... new comers despise having to wait so they leave... We had a ranger the other week say he deserved dg set over one of the founding generals who has maintained activity forever soley because he has had more attends than that gen per month in the 3 months he was in clan... This happens all the time... If you want to send me a list of those who had animosity towards res I guarantee you I can tell you that the majority of them where black listed. OFC not every clan is for everyine and not every server is for everyone so some will not fit on that list at all, and thats expected. no one can be friends with everyone and no clan can please everyone...
No such thing as "best clan across all servers", they all have their weaknesses and strengths. Dont believe everything you read in the forum, especially if you havent been there personally to experience it yourself.. theres always two sides to a story.
There is a best clan actually. Ya they all have their strengths and weaknesses but one clan will always come up on top... idk what clan that is cause I don't really care, but I was just sayin
Put them all in different kind of situations, i doubt one clan would come up on top everytime.
Same as you, I dont really care either tbh but what i do know is bashing other clans when you dont know anything about them doesnt make your clan "the best"... just makes you and your clan look salty and desperate.
I apologize... was taking advantage of this spot to advertise why i think res is the best... ofc no clan objectivly can be the best we all excel in different areas, but it doesn't mean we cant advertise. Also, my bashing was in regards to how i feel about griefing...
Just because u wrote a big post doesnt make ur reasons decent. 1 reason was dissing Morrigan and Herne, another reason was DKP which wasnt explaining why ur clan is 'best', u were simply praising the system, most worlds use dkp. Another reason was that u chose DG sets over pieces. Cool? Yes. Smart? Not necessarily. The last paragraph was a recap of all the other ones. Only the first paragraph had good reasons.
as for the dg set piece, your right it depends on the server. But on arawn almost all of our active members have some pieces, enough where the leaders wanted to start to finish those pieces into sets, especially for long time active members like our founding generals who have stuck with the clan through thick and thin to get to where it is today. And i wasn't trying to assume that this is an objective best thing to do, but a quality of resurgence that i like so i included it.
Overall, i agree that "Best" is 100% subjective, and i was more so just trying to say why i think res is best, and let the reader determine their own opinion about my opinions for themselves. i saw this thread as a standard server shopping guide where the OP was trying to figure out which server he or she would want to play on... wasn't trying to start this kind of *** fest xD
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at