Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Fall and Winter Events

Please keep in mind however that not everyone who plays this game celebrates Christmas. Let’s keep the neutrality we’ve always enjoyed.
...nothing against a "wintertime" event though...
(Also, I don't mean to stick on a moot point, but they did actually call the "holiday" events Christmas events in the past...)
Mini event would be a great idea, if i recall we did "Halloween Horror" last year (roughly on Halloween)
I'll talk to the team and see if we can get another mini event scheduled.
Can we get snow/snowmen/snowballs again?
That was a lot of fun and looked epic!
New hats etc would however require a client update, there may be some leeway with the patching system but I doubt a new asset could be added.
I see how this would impede adding new items, but how hard would it be to bring back old ones... (say, snowballs...? :D)

Re: Fall and Winter Events

Exactly what I'm saying. A small minievent, maybe make collectable-drop oriented bosses (broomsticks, pumpkin hats, etc.) would be very appreciated. I like seeing the seasonal events, even if there isn't much new. Just something to encourage players to spend a bit of time off raids and timers, etc.

If during the typical event dates something small was done (some legacies spawning faster, a few collectables, maybe a random questline), and maybe once or twice a month a mini-event was done, that would take a lot away from the boredom most people are feeling.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Fall and Winter Events

Please keep in mind however that not everyone who plays this game celebrates Christmas. Let’s keep the neutrality we’ve always enjoyed.
Regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not it's a Pagan game developed in a Pagan country, you're going to have to live with the fact that in this game it's going to be Christmas (Yuletide). (Same holiday different terms)
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Fall and Winter Events

(edit: removed pointless discussion regarding the History of Christmas; Google it, its more interesting than you'd think...)

Exactly what I'm saying. A small minievent, maybe make collectable-drop oriented bosses (broomsticks, pumpkin hats, etc.) would be very appreciated. I like seeing the seasonal events, even if there isn't much new. Just something to encourage players to spend a bit of time off raids and timers, etc.
If during the typical event dates something small was done (some legacies spawning faster, a few collectables, maybe a random questline), and maybe once or twice a month a mini-event was done, that would take a lot away from the boredom most people are feeling.
Even just boosting the winter-ish legacies

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Re: Fall and Winter Events

Unfortunately there are no plans for Yule/Samhain updates this year, our main focus at this time is releasing Corrupted Gardens for Christmas.

However we are listening to player feedback about the lack of "seasonal content" and environment changes and it is being taken under consideration for next years roadmap.

Hello Mr. Muldar. Since you are being bold by giving an approximate release date for corrupted gardens, can you tell us by when can we expect the food of the gods?
Name: Madara uchiha
Power Lvl: 222
Fishing Lvl: 179
Cooking Lvl: 23

Name: ltachi Uchiha
Power Lvl: 121

Name: Julius Caesar
Power Lvl: 145

Re: Fall and Winter Events

Please keep in mind however that not everyone who plays this game celebrates Christmas. Let’s keep the neutrality we’ve always enjoyed.

only because a group of people doesn't celebrate a holiday or an event, doesn't mean that others don't have to celebrate it. If celebrating Christmas its against their belief, then they should not play the game during these days, but if they are open minded, then they can be part of it.
Name: Madara uchiha
Power Lvl: 222
Fishing Lvl: 179
Cooking Lvl: 23

Name: ltachi Uchiha
Power Lvl: 121

Name: Julius Caesar
Power Lvl: 145

Re: Fall and Winter Events

Please keep in mind however that not everyone who plays this game celebrates Christmas. Let’s keep the neutrality we’ve always enjoyed.
Pfft, who doesn't celebrate Christmas...
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Fall and Winter Events

Please keep in mind however that not everyone who plays this game celebrates Christmas. Let’s keep the neutrality we’ve always enjoyed.
Pfft, who doesn't celebrate Christmas...
Lots of people(around half of the world), how ignorant are you?
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Fall and Winter Events

Please keep in mind however that not everyone who plays this game celebrates Christmas. Let’s keep the neutrality we’ve always enjoyed.
Pfft, who doesn't celebrate Christmas...
Lots of people(around half of the world), how ignorant are you?
I'm an ignorant god damn American... Christmas is the one time of year everyone looks forward to!
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Fall and Winter Events

Pfft, who doesn't celebrate Christmas...
Lots of people(around half of the world), how ignorant are you?
I'm an ignorant god damn American... Christmas is the one time of year everyone looks forward to!

so you are one of those snowflakes who get upset because your starbuck's cup doesn't have Christmas decoration. sad.
Name: Madara uchiha
Power Lvl: 222
Fishing Lvl: 179
Cooking Lvl: 23

Name: ltachi Uchiha
Power Lvl: 121

Name: Julius Caesar
Power Lvl: 145

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