Can you give me an example of your best "marching" practice? Not to take away your trade secrets, but I do try to use the Auction House as much as I can. Do you buy extra Auction House Slots? Let me give you a hypothetical, say I have 5 "Skewer" training manuals, (I hate those things by the way, seems like I get one every 5 minutes) I look in the AH and see the average price. I then try and sell them for that average price but it takes FOREVER for someone to buy one. So ultimately, I end up dropping the price just to clear the AH slot. So what are the best things to merch that can get quick turnaround? I have had some success with Bone Shards at the moment.
1. My high end item/rares dealing has made me a large sum of gold very quickly. I turned 9m into around 50m with less then 10 trades as one example(bought a 100% uni, sold it for 30ish mil in items, took a 95% horse from that trade, traded for a mythic winterwing, traded that for 18m in chests, and sold a few of the items for extra, and kept one item)
2. You get 5 slots per character. I did buy slots, but only cause I opened like 500 chests and had thousands of plat to waste. Saves time, that's about it.
3. More times then not ah prices are overpriced. But still use ah prices as a loose guide. If you want to buy and sell, you buy cheap and sell for slightly below normal if its common items(like skewer), or normal for lux, or extra for rares.
4. On lugh at least(and this should go for most worlds), hot items are plat items, fash, and mounts. Though personally I deal in rares and collectables as well.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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