by madara
I know you guys are discussing about how strict OP rules are but Let me tell you why I am about to call it quits. Please OTM transfer me to a new server or release the update soon.
I started playing this game in early January, and I absolutely loved it. I enjoyed the graphics, the friendly-interface, the quest line, but mainly because the people are nice. This is my first mmo by the way and the reason I am about to write this is because I love this game. I reached lv 155 without being in any clan because I met great people along the way who helped me get the items by sometimes selling them to me (I think at a cheap price), giving them me for free or they helped me kill the bosses that I needed. If the boss dropped a mage item, I would ask them if I could have it, if I didn't need it I would tell them that they could keep it. I got my frozen armor set without being in any major clan or spending great amount of money. In fact, one player gave me most of crest for free. But after the bridge sentinel in other world, the quest line ended (this was before the auction house update). At this point there was nothing to do except for leveling and getting the dl armor. I realized that the only way to get the dl armor was joining one of the major clans.
In my server there were three major clans. The dominant clan, whose able to kill all the bosses, the second best clan was able to killed up to Proteus and the third best up to Hrung. I decided to join the third best clan because I wanted to join a clan that still hadn't killed most of the end games bosses because I thought it would be exciting if many of us would kill the bosses for the first time. So I joined them and with the new clan members ,I lixed up to 215, and camped bosses to get dl and edl. Once I reached 215, around mid June, the only thing left to do was try to kill the end game bosses and help the clan members get their dl and edl set. Its important to mention that at this point the second best clan became inactive. According to a friend many people quitted because the dominant clan was just too strong and they couldn't get enough people to log in to win the lock battles. My clan was growing at a slow rate but it was growing. So I stayed active camping dl and edl, and trying to kill the other end game bosses but we weren't able to get enough people before the dominant clan would lock the boss. After doing the same thing for four month, the game just became too repetitive. Too boring.
With the introduction of Nuada, many clan members moved there and the number of active members in our clan became low. Many of the remainder active players from the second best clan decided to join the dominant clan. At this point, in my opinion, there is not way we can challenge them in lock battles. To get as many players as they have, it probably can take a good amount of time and I don't have time for that. And what sucks its that many of the new players tend to go to the dominant clan, making it really hard for us too grow at any significant rate to challenge the dominant clan. Being in one dominant clan server its really boring. I log on the weekends and the server has become dead. I could try to join the dominant clan and experience how it feels to kill proteus, and Gelebron, but how long would I enjoy this before the game becomes repetitive again. And I really feel bad leaving my clan members because they are nice people who work hard to help the clan grow. If I leave the clan for the rival clan I feel like I am betraying them.
So I really wish there was a feature that allow players to transfer to another server. I really want to be in a server where there are at least two clans fighting for bosses. At the moment I am just waiting for the food of the god update to at least enjoy the game one more time, but I don't know what is happening with OTM. They don't want to tell us when they are releasing the new update. I am honestly about to quit. I hope they do release the new update before runescape mobile comes out. I remember I played runescape couple of times when I used to visit my cousin, so if they release it before CH, I might get addicted to that game.
Name: Madara uchiha
Power Lvl: 222
Fishing Lvl: 179
Cooking Lvl: 23
Name: ltachi Uchiha
Power Lvl: 121
Name: Julius Caesar
Power Lvl: 145