Several games nowadays have the option to pay real money to enhance the experience of the player, often frustrating him unless he pays up.
Good ways to milk players of the money they thought they wouldn't spend in the game include: energy bars that reduce the time he can devote to his game, huge timers that need to be reduced for the player to be able to continue his journey, better gear to deal with players that don't want to pay, and, the most common one, the existence of a currency in the game that can't be earned without your credit apple.
Based on the above definition of pay-to-win...
Is Celtic heroes PURELY pay to win ???
Considering that the Ingame currency is sufficient to a great extent to enhance the experience of the plat-poor gamer right up to endgame...
Provided the player takes advantage of the (plat-free) means whereby to obtain it in copious amounts.
GRANTED There are much needed platinum buyers on which a great majority of the gamers depend for the distribution of platinum items (consumables in particular)...
but does it make CH
100% ptw?
a vast majority of gamers are enabled through their relationship with the platHolders to get whatever supplies they need without their credit apples?
The same goes for gear.
Although some of the most essential gear items are themselves obtainable through cooperation (bossraids) - strictly speaking requiring no expenditure at all.
As far as the new dragons are concerned...
Hope that clarifies my initial statements starting the thread.
And... well... With all its ins and outs... As a plat buyer and rigorous player I'm still in favor of voting Celtic Heroes as not 100 percent pay-to-win...
Pay to Play it is by definition NOT. There's no argument - it's a free to play game.