Well next necro, proteus, and gele we do, we'll have everyone not use lix, Idols, and restos. I'm thinking we might fail instead of win those fights.No. I am f2p and I'm just fine. Yes, it may be a small bit harder, but you can farm up gold for lixes, restos, and idols etc just fine without buying plat. Yes, spending 1 grand on plat will make your life easier, maybe will get you some cool items and an endless stock of gears, but totally not necessary. As was already pointed out, EG gears come from EG bosses, not from plat (although one could argue that plat resources are needed for EG raids, you don't need to spend plat to get them).
Re: CH Purely Pay To Win Gaming? Yes/No
#41Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue
Noah Fences 220 Rogue