Since the new update hit the servers I’ve noticed that sometimes I see some of the old event horses kinda distorted, insted of their legs there is only a shapeless mass. I set graphic settings to maximum, checked other graphic settings (fast graphics/terrain disabled) but still the same. What causes this visual glitch?
It appears from the screenshots that this issue is present in the Examine screen. Is this present in gameplay and to you have any other steps to reproduce this as currently we are unable to do so here?
Sure, it is present in the game too, just didn’t want to chase people to take a screenshot from their mounts that’s why I used the examine screen. On the second part if I understand correctly, I don’t do anything special to reproduce this visual glitch. Anyway just talked with my girlfriend about this issue and she said I'm not the only one who experience this glitch and see these mounts in this way, because a lot of people in her clan posted pictures about this issue as well, which means different people with different devices.
I've been running around in live checking out people with horses and boars etc. but I do not see this issue occurring for me at all. If you said that you saw it looking normal for a while and then this started to happen then that should rule out the animation/rig files being missing as it would always show in that manner for everybody that saw them.
Will continue to investigate.