Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????

I am worried beyond the drop rate, that there are other unrevealed criteria in the drop formula, as the drop differences between players seems outside the realm of statistical randomness.
Please don't be shy of openly suspecting that OTM is manipulating drop rates, for fear that you might lose your forum account. People need to speak up. This has happened in other games. In this case, setting low drop rates for the whales, and much higher drop rates for the casual payers. When these casual payers do get their dragons, they would be so excited about it and start screaming in game chat and forum. This will EGG the whales on (pun intended).

The present OTM may not be the one you knew before. But should be fundamentally the same as before when it comes to learning what other games do.
We're going to start here because you're misinformed and just plain wrong. We don't have separate drop rates for spenders versus free players. We will never individually set drop rates for players. We can't speak for other games, but we can speak for this one.

To the main point of this thread:
No, we won't publicly give you the drop rate, but as someone has stated previously, it is and has always been advertised as a Jackpot Prize. The information passed to me is that the drop is similar to (actually you have a better chance at an egg) than the other Jackpot Prizes. Now that being said, it is completely understandable that we are receiving complaints that it takes hitting Jackpot six times in order to have a maxed out prize. Keeping this in mind as players discuss, the team is closely monitoring this discussion and the information coming the game.
Actually I didn’t even consider that OTM would be so foolish as to purposely anger your whales (if that’s what I am), that was a suggestion on the person responding to my noting statistically egg drops are not following a decernable drop rate. I do buy a lot of chests. I enjoy chest, well at least I did before tokens came along. I suggested to OTM, as I am sure others did, that they get some excitement back into the chests. I have always tracked drop rates and have done well predicting what I will get from a certain number of chests. I note when drop rates change as new events occur.

Let me reiterate, egg drops are not listed as being rare or as a special prize. OTM lists eggs right along with mount, pet and fash tokens, so stop this nonsense about it be some jackpot prize. The only prize is the grand prize which is listed as 2m in gold. Every thing else listed should have a normal determinable drop rate, but having opened 3300 chests with no egg, it appears to me that egg drop rate is so low as to be indeterminable by any but an exceptionally big whale. That now, after that fact you want to relabel eggs as anjackpot prize does not in itself make it true. OTM has done a remarkable job of screwing up what could have been a wonderful thing. Stop

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????

I was okay with this pet being a chest only item and was hoping the drop rate was going to be fair. I wound up opening a lot of chests myself only to wind up with one single egg.

A level one dragon versus all the money I just threw down has me second guessing the next time around before I repeat that mistake again. Love a lot of what has been done in game but this pet was poorly handled with the eggs being this rare. Again, all this was expressed in beta, but I gave the benefit ouf the doubt anyway.
Homeworld: Gwydion
Clan: Relentless

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????

My husband bought 1000 chests, 600 firebreath and 400 Aeon and split them between us. On top of several hundred Firebreath when they first came out. Plat drops in Firebreath were good, so more were purchased with what was left over.

In all of that .. 1 egg. Aeon drops were much better, more fun to open due to the chance of getting some nice fash and a mount. Anecdotally, drops in Aeon were slightly better than normal (Osan style horse mount, few Lanrik pieces).

As a fairly new player who does spend quite a lot on the game, I can state I will not be purchasing any more chests like Firebreath in future. To echo many others, with a 1:1000 drop rate it should be a usesable pet at endgame. Jackpot my ass.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????

I am worried beyond the drop rate, that there are other unrevealed criteria in the drop formula, as the drop differences between players seems outside the realm of statistical randomness.
Please don't be shy of openly suspecting that OTM is manipulating drop rates, for fear that you might lose your forum account. People need to speak up. This has happened in other games. In this case, setting low drop rates for the whales, and much higher drop rates for the casual payers. When these casual payers do get their dragons, they would be so excited about it and start screaming in game chat and forum. This will EGG the whales on (pun intended).

The present OTM may not be the one you knew before. But should be fundamentally the same as before when it comes to learning what other games do.
We're going to start here because you're misinformed and just plain wrong. We don't have separate drop rates for spenders versus free players. We will never individually set drop rates for players. We can't speak for other games, but we can speak for this one.

To the main point of this thread:
No, we won't publicly give you the drop rate, but as someone has stated previously, it is and has always been advertised as a Jackpot Prize. The information passed to me is that the drop is similar to (actually you have a better chance at an egg) than the other Jackpot Prizes. Now that being said, it is completely understandable that we are receiving complaints that it takes hitting Jackpot six times in order to have a maxed out prize. Keeping this in mind as players discuss, the team is closely monitoring this discussion and the information coming the game.
Could you please elaborate on what it means that the team is closely monitoring the discussion? You literally just agreed with the argument basis coming from the player community in your response. What are you monitoring exactly? What kind of action plan options are you considering? How long will you be monitoring them for?

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????


Could you please elaborate on what it means that the team is closely monitoring the discussion? You literally just agreed with the argument basis coming from the player community in your response. What are you monitoring exactly? What kind of action plan options are you considering? How long will you be monitoring them for?
The team is looking at both the player response and feedback as well as in-game info to paint a larger picture. Currently, I don't have an action plan to share. It will be monitored for an extended period of time.

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????


Could you please elaborate on what it means that the team is closely monitoring the discussion? You literally just agreed with the argument basis coming from the player community in your response. What are you monitoring exactly? What kind of action plan options are you considering? How long will you be monitoring them for?
The team is looking at both the player response and feedback as well as in-game info to paint a larger picture. Currently, I don't have an action plan to share. It will be monitored for an extended period of time.
Hopefully OTM doesn't blindly patch in a lower drop rate for the eggs. Their highest spenders and main source of revenue were the first to buy chests to try and max out their dragons. With players spending anywhere between $500 and $2000 USD to max a dragon (I spent $500 and only got a level 2...) any change for future plat buyers and chest openers will leave those original openers quite angry...

After OTM's original statement that the eggs were under review today I got 16 pms from clannies who previously opened chests asking me what that meant...
I'm all for a better drop rate... But I think with that OTM needs to go back to something they haven't done in a long time and offer some reimbursements as well. Whether it be for every 4000/8000 plat bundle bought that went towards Dragonfire chests you receive a complementary "egg drop rate tester" bonus egg or they just offer a 50% plat bonus to those who have bought plat since the update came out... As all of the rewards are digital OTM doesn't lose money necessarily by reimbursing those who did a beta test on the dragon chests for drop rates...

OTM has shown a recent history for charging in with no real testing or thinking with chests... First the revival chests, now dragon eggs...
Revival chests didn't screw over the chest bueyers... but you all saw how that backfired... Aeon was better as the items were labeled and players could buy nonaeon if they wanted and there was still a rarity to the older items...
But... with the dragon eggs a change to the drop rate without compensating those who did the beta test on egg drops for you all directly screws over those who did the test. Players spent hundreds to thousands of real life money to do you all a service only to benefit those who didn't...

Increase the drop rate please, but don't forget about finding a way to properly compensate those who spent hundreds to thousands to figure out that the drop rate is way too low... And no... a hero combo or a mini event is not the compensation any of us are thinking of. Plat, rl money returns, or dragon eggs are about the only methods that most will find acceptable...

Thank you
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????

[quote="bob the mage"][/quote]

I apologize, I should clarify. Just because we are taking in feedback and monitoring the situation does not mean that the drop rates will be lowered. There are many lessons to be learned from this. It may be that we use this event and information to help persuade decisions made on future content.

For example:
From a community perspective, we could have done more as a team to provide more detailed information. Then, we can make sure that information is provided on as many platforms as possible. That's not something we can change now, but we can change it for future content.

I apologize if my speech implied that we are looking into this for an immediate decision or change.

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????

I apologize, I should clarify. Just because we are taking in feedback and monitoring the situation does not mean that the drop rates will be lowered. There are many lessons to be learned from this. It may be that we use this event and information to help persuade decisions made on future content.

For example:
From a community perspective, we could have done more as a team to provide more detailed information. Then, we can make sure that information is provided on as many platforms as possible. That's not something we can change now, but we can change it for future content.

I apologize if my speech implied that we are looking into this for an immediate decision or change.

Lol we’ve already warned OTM several occasions before that pouring money into the game is fine but making it pay to win will be the death of the game. Even if it’s not 100% pay to win but there’s a chance higher paying players can get a huge edge on others, people will quit... I won’t say much more but a lot of us have found a new game to play after years of CH being a job - except instead of you getting paid to do it like a normal job, you end up paying into it.
Elsroth - 220+ Mage - Clan Avalon

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????

I apologize, I should clarify. Just because we are taking in feedback and monitoring the situation does not mean that the drop rates will be lowered. There are many lessons to be learned from this. It may be that we use this event and information to help persuade decisions made on future content.

For example:
From a community perspective, we could have done more as a team to provide more detailed information. Then, we can make sure that information is provided on as many platforms as possible. That's not something we can change now, but we can change it for future content.

I apologize if my speech implied that we are looking into this for an immediate decision or change.
Thanks mod for the replies. So basically, nothing will be done retroactively, but you might make updates later on. That’s helpful to know and appreciated. Count me in as one of the whales/big fish who are done buying plat for good. It’s been a fun 6 years.

Re: what is this drop rate OTM?????

I apologize, I should clarify. Just because we are taking in feedback and monitoring the situation does not mean that the drop rates will be lowered. There are many lessons to be learned from this. It may be that we use this event and information to help persuade decisions made on future content.

For example:
From a community perspective, we could have done more as a team to provide more detailed information. Then, we can make sure that information is provided on as many platforms as possible. That's not something we can change now, but we can change it for future content.

I apologize if my speech implied that we are looking into this for an immediate decision or change.
Ok, so no “immediate” decision or change, but any time in the near future? The fire breath event was a disaster due to non diligence on OTMs part. Your customers where told they had a chance to win a Jackpot pet and obviously that was not delivered. The forums are littered with grievances and the best we can here is that OTM is going to monitor it for future content. OTM is going to loose players over this fiasco unless they take responsibility for their actions and their product. Sitting back and doing nothing is the wrong answer. Putting a temporary hold on fire breath chest sales would be a responsible thing to do. Informing the community that some form of compensation is being discussed would be a responsible thing to do. Looking into updating the dragons to reflect what was advertised would be a responsible thing to do. But what do we get out of OTM? We get someone is going to kick back and read forum posts for an “extended” period of time. Pathetic.
Black Company of Taranis

Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.

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