I've recently hit 181 now and I have switched to my Mordris STR spear. I like the spear a lot, but not having rupture is a problem. How can I fix that DPS problem so that I can do a lot of DPS when leveling with the spear? I was thinking doing Frenzy, Double Attack, Pummel, Shatter and Giant Swing (maybe Defensive Formation so I can evade more when lixing?). ALSO, I do want to stray away from switching between axe and spear! Cheers!
Not having rupture is a recipe to losing a huge amount of DPS. Rupture is OP because of the strong initial hit and mainly the unresisted DoTs. Sorry- you'll have to be swapping. Endgame lixing and dps involves a lot of gear changing, swapping, etc. Frenzy, double, pummel, shatter, and rupture is pretty standard. Try getting a valor ammy from shop (elemental damage boost in nice), and an offhand axe or a dagger (depending on whether or not you'll be using haste while lixing). You'll need at least a few swaps: Frenzy skill rings, pummel direct damage rings and (maybe) mord brace, etc. Also try to get rupture cooldown gear: I heard it helps a lot while lixing. Once you reach higher level you'll be able to wear skain/gara sets, prot attack or gele damage bracers, etc. Try to upgrade to those as soon as possible. Stray away from defensive skills: try to get a rogue-ish build, except on a warrior. Good luck.