Heroic Elixer of Haste. Works well with any melee class(even casters in some cases) but which class gets severely screwed with hastes? Rogues.
Why you might ask? Our EDL dagger has the speed of 1840, but with haste it should bring it down to 736. It doesn’t. Brings it down to 1100. Brings that’s only approximately 45%. That’s a lot of DPS we are missing out of because of a cap. Rogues are SUPPOSED to be fast.
Let’s take the EDL bow for instance. It’s speed is 2800. Use a haste and it brings it down to 1120.
Let’s do the easiest Dps formula known to mmos. Dmg/Speed.
Rogue edl without lix: 130/1840=.07
Ranger edl without lix: 180/2800=.064
Rogue edl with lix: 130/1100=.118
Ranger edl with lix: 180/1120=.16
It’s pretty even when it’s without lix, but once you use a heroic haste there’s a huge disadvantage. That’s an insane amount of damage gone.
I just want to know why the rogue class got screwed in this area. Got a huge nerf since that cap came out. Was it because rogues were(and still are) overpowered in carrowmore? Or was the speed cap because the current engine couldn’t keep up with the animations? This has been a problem before. Especially with Gelebron Weps and the animations for the skill. It slows down the players dps because the animation takes too long.
Let me know what you guys think! I know most rangers are gonna bash it. That’s fine. If my math is a little off, let me know! I tried to keep it within a hundredth instead of tenths to make it a little more accurate.
Heroic Haste isn’t Equal to all Classes
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