Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Heroic Haste isn’t Equal to all Classes

Rogues are fine. Mages are fine. Rangers are fine. Warriors are fine.

Druids need an easier time levelling.
I would also say rangers need a boost leveling. They are not far off druids as worst class to level...but how can rangers get a leveling boost but not become broken at end game? Idk
Ventius - level 227 ranger of dawn
Ventius - level 222 noob ranger of Enigma
Ventius - level 163 druid

RIP badabing

Your newest blue name who has dreams to one day be purple

Re: Heroic Haste isn’t Equal to all Classes

Along with rogues being able to manage with only a super haste elixir, the fact that rogues have proper on hit skills is also neglected in this argument meaning they aren’t as reliant on auto attacks as rangers
Aceliral - 220 Ranger Sulis
Aurax - 210 Rogue Sulis
Aretha - 220 Mage Sulis
Auraliax - 158 Druid Sulis
Auralox - 120 Warrior Sulis

General of 1337

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Re: Heroic Haste isn’t Equal to all Classes

Along with rogues being able to manage with only a super haste elixir, the fact that rogues have proper on hit skills is also neglected in this argument meaning they aren’t as reliant on auto attacks as rangers
i wasnt gonna mention skills cause it usually triggers some of the rogues on these forums :lol:
Ventius - level 227 ranger of dawn
Ventius - level 222 noob ranger of Enigma
Ventius - level 163 druid

RIP badabing

Your newest blue name who has dreams to one day be purple

Re: Heroic Haste isn’t Equal to all Classes

Along with rogues being able to manage with only a super haste elixir, the fact that rogues have proper on hit skills is also neglected in this argument meaning they aren’t as reliant on auto attacks as rangers
Pretty much this.

Rogues can still outdps rangers if both have the same gear just because they have shadow strike and sneaky, two more skills over rangers. Rogues are better off buying super haste lix from the plat shop because of the speed cap and will save a lot in the process, nothing to complain about.

Rangers have been somewhat balanced since sharpshot being fixed.

The only classes that perhaps need balancing are mages and druids.
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Heroic Haste isn’t Equal to all Classes

Only dps type that gets hurt by the speed cap is hand to hand. Daggers are perfectly fine

Hand to hand combat needs a buff
Hahahahahahaha... why not let necro drop hand to hand rings again, also would love seeing rogues and rangers fisting a boss, save gold and screw weapons...
Please no
Agent K - 224 Warrior Fingal
The Expendables

Bad things, there's a lot of bad things that they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' on


Re: Heroic Haste isn’t Equal to all Classes

You forgot to mention warriors edl sword with 2750 speed, heroic haste makes it hit cap exactly :lol:

But anyway, we should all agree that rogue is the super class when it comes to dps in general....
I won't complain about the speed cap but I do complain about shadowstrike being almost useless at raids... at a 19mins mord raid I'm only able to land it once, that's if I'm lucky, otherwise it never lands..

Plus, I don't get the logic with rangers armours and weapons, rangers are a ranged class ofc, why fo they get massive hp buff, heavy strong weapons that could almost hit cap when hasted, mention a ranger would barley die.... but is rogues get low hp on armour and the worst weapons...don't you think that hp on armour should go rogues instead? Don't you think that daggers should have heavier damage on weapons?
Agent K - 224 Warrior Fingal
The Expendables

Bad things, there's a lot of bad things that they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' on


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