by Shadae
Skipping animation is an exploit that gives you a clear advantage..,I am not sure why you think that it is okay to play a game in such a way as the developers never intended. When I was given a tutorial on how to play the game they never once....said to me..should you find a way to circumvent the environment or exploit any part of the game..please feel free to use it consitantly while exploring any and all maps, but especially to cheat other honest gamers out of placing in competitions.
The fishing competition clearly stated that any exploitation would be a disqualifying factor. How is it that using something that gives you a clear advantage over everyone else is okay? You are special some how? I also saw you pop and flit around the map without using the ley gates...but hey...why not? Who will stop you.
Go look up exploit in the dictionary. You sir are a cheater and I am done with the argument. You won....by an exploit. Congratulations. There is a player that came in 11th that should have been rewarded...instead...you have fashion....yay you.
Dual spec
Increase buff timers and change to group buffs
/anon /afk commands
Revamp the skill system
Group leader / group commands
Add more premium items