Re: How often are other mages getting prot kills?
#31If there was ever a Nobel prize for Celtic Heroes Science, Toothpick would have it
Are arawn rogues noob? Cuz you wouldn't get a kill over toothpick on mord (not saying you're bad just rogues tend to be great for mord and he's a great player)I think that You greatly underestimate the gap between my ranger and the next best on arawn. It is a much bigger gap than you seem to believe bob.What gear did I have then?Yes bob, you out dpsed me unhasted at prot when i would tell you at the start that i wouldnt be going for the kill and only then would you go full try hard. Gz. I have beaten you plenty of times unhasted fyi and if i used to try unhasted always beat you
On a side note, epona and fingal probably have the top few strongest rogues in the game, toothpick on epona and adrohan malcolm on fingal. Both are crazy about stratergy gear swaps and dps. They have prot down to an art and beat hasted great rangers and would certainly beat a top mage like you bob. You really cant base these assumptions on arawn alone. I am the top dps on arawn by a long way and you are also by far the top mage. Arawn doesnt have any great rogues. It used to but that player changed main to a druid a long time ago. idk how you make those findings in regards to who gets kills. It may sorta work like that on arawn but if you go to any different server it is totally different as the rogues are a lot stronger
And the mages cant be that amazing if none of them can beat me at 195/205/210 edl
a shadowwand, dg bp, no higher than a majestic gele ringgodly firebolt gele ring, one imperial necro ring, a imperial mordy bolt brace, a imperial necral storm cdr, a royal bolt misc, and a godly hellfire ammy.
what did you have? godly imperial oblivion, almost godly everything else.
Your gear was almost (other than the few imperials you had) perfect, I was on my way there but no where there.
Now my gear is a bit closer.
Oh one more thing, I wasn't in my gele build as welland i wasnt in a full dps build for most of the time you and i were in clan together. Whats your point?
Its just the case, no unhasted ranger has outdpsed me on prot, not even youthat is where you are wrong. I beat you unhasted countless times, when I got a bit closer to my gear. With my gear atm I still can't outdps our best hasted rangers, but if they don't haste its my kill no question...the thing is, i could beat the other top hasted dg rangers without me needing to haste. Beat a hasted kara hersh ash or halo many times unhasted.
I won't deny our rogues aren't full DPS orientated, but on the servers you listed not all the mages are DPS orientated. Very few servers allow for mages to pursue DPS builds, most force them to carry 2-3 lures.
Every server is different, with different gear distribution rules, etc...
It isn't fair to compare people across servers like that. On other servers mages aren't allowed to puruse the build I currently have, so why should I compare myself to them?
On arawn we don't need pure DPS rogues and rangers, so they have a bit more health for doing bounties and surviving a bit easier at bosses.
There is more than one metric to measure how "good" your toon is. Something you never seemed to understand. You were locked at so many bosses, but still thought because you ended up with the kill that you pulled the most weight. What about those who were alive to bolas while you were taking a nap?mind explaining when i was always locked at bosses? I was the one kiting edl during the graveyard hours, only locked at gele when i pulled agro off the tank or during rage, only locked at prot when mages were sloppy with lures and only ever locked at hrung mord or necro when i pull agro off tank(tanks fault not mine)
So vent, your ranger may have been "top" on arawn for a brief windowbrief window yes, only a few years. My reign as #1 started quite a while before you returned from inactivity bob so not too sure how you can comment there..., but don't try and make excuses for what happened. You didn't haste and I got kills every time you didn't haste after I got some gear upgradesyes as i said, when i told you before we started that i wouldnt be going for the kill then you went tryhard for kills but this really didnt happen often. You got what? 20 kills while i was in res and most of them were when i took a break for a month or so or once i started working and could no longer attend est or euro raids (which was every single weekday prot) If you don't believe me come to one of our prots and don't haste, I'll see if we can get a druid to keep you alive out of lock and I'll let you know who gets kill with a do realise that is not how it works right? To get kill out of lock i have to be in a grp that does more overall dps. I will never get a kill groupless. Only way to test this is if we are in the same group which ofc is never gonna happen
Odds are you will make some excuse here, so don't even worry about replying, won't really be looking for one.
Unless you are all talk, just show up :-)
I'll record and upload to youtube if he wants to show up. I don't really have anything to prove to him, but if he feels the need to try and "show me up" i'll record and publish.Ooo I'd love to ser that rn
This is what I was refering to earlier. Every server is different. Every server has different needs for different classes. For example, our graveyard shift players tend to have builds with more health. you mean me? Or did you forget that i was one of only 2 active australians at end game level in resurgence for so long?Due to the low number of available loggers they are used to having to solo without a tank or druid. yes and i was the one who would kite those bosses 9/10 timesSo sure, they may not be getting proteus or gelebron kills, but they are still "good" players. im not too sure your point here? Im not the one who comes to forums dissing arawns rangers, that falls on you. Setth even had to jump in one time to shut you up.
Who gets kill doesn't determine anything but who at that one specific kill had the best overall DPS. It doesn't say anything more. And no one class is strictly there to DPS. Rangers have bolas, mages have lures, rogues have some expose skills as well as the best ability to kill adds, warriors have bash and tanking as well as add handling jobs, and druids have to help heal. my role in clan was specifically to dps at raids bob...if i had to bolas i would but most of the time that role was left to newer rangers who didnt have dl/edl weaps
Only selfish players who ignore the other responsbilities of bossing look at who got the final kill as validation for how good there toon is. plz find where i go to forums in the last year bragging about how many prot kills i have. The thrill of me getting any kill wore off a long long time ago.
Nothing wrong with "DPS challanges" or "competitions" but you can't let them be the sole indicator of whose better. The same way a duel in the castle can't determine whose better, or who locks a boss...
I have prime mordy and necro kills with a shortbow, i have gele and edl kills arriving/dc at 60%, i have countless unhasted kills at every boss except gelebron. I have not lost to a mage at edl in over a year(that includes you bob). I even have kills at every raid (including gelebron) whilst not casting a single edl wrath. I could also beat any rogue in the clan even if they were solo spiter and that includes smelly and gabby. The two rogues with dg sets during my time in resurgence. Did that several times on hrung mordy and necro.
Make sure that you do all your research next time before replying. And lets keep it unbiased and truthful unlike your other essays about resurgence ty
If there was ever a Nobel prize for Celtic Heroes Science, Toothpick would have it
This was what I'd thought at first, but had kinda assumed it wasn't the case when nobody mentioned anyone else in their group (you know like "that one didn't count; the lock rogue was in the group", etc.)... it's like people solo all these bosses to hear them tell itthe kill is secured by the entire group, not any one person. It just tells you who in that strongest group did the most damage.
-The CH DPS Mythbuster
it is a combination of a few things. One day on epone il give tp a challenge but those days are long off unless otm makes server xfers and i move my ranger to epona permanantly lol (epona rangers a noob lvl 203 with decent gear but not great)Are arawn rogues noob? Cuz you wouldn't get a kill over toothpick on mord (not saying you're bad just rogues tend to be great for mord and he's a great player)
Like mabon. I saw a dg rogue on arawn and laughed as well I saw blacksash and laughed. Mabon is worseit is a combination of a few things. One day on epone il give tp a challenge but those days are long off unless otm makes server xfers and i move my ranger to epona permanantly lol (epona rangers a noob lvl 203 with decent gear but not great)Are arawn rogues noob? Cuz you wouldn't get a kill over toothpick on mord (not saying you're bad just rogues tend to be great for mord and he's a great player)
1- most of arawns players do not understand dps, importance of attack as well as balance of damage and stat and skill points on top of attack. Then there is the opposite end of the spectrum, a certain dg rogue used void surgery dagger for years after i explained to him the importance of attack, he was getting attack from the wrong places. Now uses a gele dagger. Meh
2- arawns rogues love their defence and vitality...
3- my ranger is by a long way the best dps toon on the server. 3 of the 4 next best rangers are rangers i mentored and helped to build and advise gear etc. Cant comment about now cause i dont play there but 100% im still top, maybe some are closer now but idk.
4- just lack of game understanding and stratergy or poor choice in gear. Where as i have talked to players from most servers daily and in betas and communicate out of game regularly with many where some of what we talk about is ways of increasing our dps or compare builds dps gear or dream of certain gears to drops lol. Im a dps oriented player. Arawn is not a very dps oriented server and rely more heavily on numbers to kill bosses.
No. Rangers should be getting every single prot kill, end of story. I can’t imagine losing a prot kill to a rogue or mage even with my mediocre geared ranger. The fact that it’s happening makes me disappointed of other servers rangers (unless they all enjoy afking bosses lol).The tension between Bob and Ventius is a bit softened by the fact that Bob's name is Bob.
Also we haven't exactly answered the question of how often mages get the Prot kill.. but from what i can gather, people are just saying they aren't DPS oriented classes, they're skill based, and either a rogue or a ranger should usually get the kill as they are the main DPS classes (rogue especially)
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