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Re: Final Chicken Chaser competition results! - Pending Review

Are you kidding? A lvl 1 chicken for that time sink?

I have an idea....and ingenious idea....how about you start being upfront and clear about what the rewards are. The time I spent picking chickens does not come close to a lvl 1.

I have nothing nice to say...so I will log on out.

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Re: Final Chicken Chaser competition results! - Pending Review

Level 1 is good for photo ops :lol: I love the mauve hat! Thank you for including the particle as first prize along with the teal :D
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Level 230+ Rogue
General of Ascension
LadysHeart Level 220+ Druid
Level 220+ Ice Mage Valyria
Heartsbane 220+ Warrior
Level 220+ Ranger Sweet Tansy
Dreamfyre Level 220+ Lure Mage
190 Locker Rogue Catspaw


Re: Final Chicken Chaser competition results! - Pending Review

Not even a special event chicken.... just a simple lame lvl 1 chicken. I would have rather paid 50k for a pet token than waste hours on top of hours of my time farming chickens. Was a slap in the face tbh

Like the hat tho, can’t complain about that lol.
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Re: Final Chicken Chaser competition results! - Pending Review

Thanks again for participating everyone! All top ten winners on each world should now have received their rewards via in-game mail from Farmer Moffatt.

If you had any problems getting your rewards please PM me.

Apologies for the delay on the top 10 worldwide rewards but these will take some time, i'll keep you posted on the progress with these over the next week.

I have no problem with the delay itself , but why are they being kept top secret :geek:
Level 230+ Rogue
General of Ascension
LadysHeart Level 220+ Druid
Level 220+ Ice Mage Valyria
Heartsbane 220+ Warrior
Level 220+ Ranger Sweet Tansy
Dreamfyre Level 220+ Lure Mage
190 Locker Rogue Catspaw


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