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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

I understand why people get upset about stuff like this. What I don't like is how those people, once they are upset, just bash OTM and say how horrible they are blah blah blah. I hate seeing nothing but hate on the forums lol They are a small team and many of us have stuck with them for years so we might as well work with them and respond constructively..that being said maybe these negative Nancy's are the ones that actually bring forth change, but I would like to see a bit more constructive criticism than hate.
i never bashed otm for anything(chest?dragon?) but this time m way too disappointed....most ppl gave their important time for this although yeah it was our decision....how can some one say that we are not smart?did he meant to say we should not participate like he did?alright leave that aside but i did ask otm which tier or lvl pet prize will be but there was no reply not only me but some other too did ask which was completely ignored ..ok if otm didnt figure out the prizes properly before starting event but they could have given notice in middle of it as it ran 7 days.....even bounty can make 3-4 lvl brown pet in those days time....i came here just to tell my experience and it was really not good..i coudnt careless of pet prize as i can easily make 4-5 top tier pets with the pet token i have right now not inducing my insane ingame cash to buy it...but i wanted to win and brag to ppl how i won this in competition and how crazy ppl framed those which was a real disappointed....my only suggestion is otm to give clear notice of prizes and other info and plan it thoroughly like how will ppl react if we do this or that,will it be positive or negative before implementing....this is not blame or flame to otm plz do make it better next time ... no one will like butchering thousand chickens for someone just to take one home while they are already rich enough to buy that entire farm house..really not worth it....

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Ok my two cents...

It was disappointing to receive two hats of the same color that's not even tradeable. Well one is particle and other's not but they are the same color! Like seriously...why? Explain the logic. If it were tradeable I would understand cause the recipients of these prizes then have the option to gift or sell it. The fishing prizes were tag properly imo. You click on the participants's item u see them won from the fishing comp. This from the chicken comp is just plain lame. And it's a seasonal hat lol...the holidays is over. Tuck that hat away... Idk but it's plain sad...
World: LUGH
Class: Mage(reytch)-Rogue(OnceBitten)-Druid(TwiceShy)
Level: 221-223-205

World: EPONA
Clan: SizeMatters
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Level: 225/224/170-224-233-226-225

Relax folks...everything RESPAWNS!
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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Something like a chicken helm would have been amazing, or better yet fashion boots that make tiny chickens sprout out of the ground with each step and disappears after 1 - 2 secs.
I say better late than never! OTM get on this (add to chests for example, but definitely give overall top 10 a teal or something :))
(If chicken hat becomes a thing please make the effect version shoot out feathers :lol:)

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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

MOST people thought it would be a tier 6 chicken, in gwydion at least.

It was a long competition and IIRC there were more chickens added to Lirs, that's surely an indication that the prize would be more than a tier 1 chicken, the reward should have fit the effort.

Now, looking at the result, looking at how all these players picked up thousands of these tiny pixels and wasted hours for some recoloured fash and couple of pet tokens worth of meat, OTM needs to definitely reward tier 6 chickens to all the top winners, or else these players won't bother with competitions again, others won't and it just makes the developers look bad.

Please seriously review this OTM.
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Lvl 6 chicken that has some form of indication that it was awarded to those who got top 10 on the server during the competition would be a prime reward and will definitely encourage people to participate in future competitions. Personally I think it should look visually unique (Santa chicken ofc) so people know right away that it is a special chicken without having to click on the actual pet.

One issue with the lvl 6 chicken is the level requirement... solution??? REMOVE IT
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

OTM’s new to this, give a little constructive criticism too.
Here I’ll start it off:
1. Shorter events
2. Better rewards for time spent
Thank goodness somebody who comes at the issue without a complacent attitude!
Oh you please just disappear on a trip to the other end of the world if you have nothing better to add to each topic than your Cookie Grandma replies.

Check this out .
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 10&t=59763
Why it's feels so degrading to receive a 30k pet token when these (TEN !) 10 people received a shaman 100% Phoenix glider worth millions for drawing sticks!
It would take me less than 2 hours to draw all 10 of these if it's copy from image .most of The winners didn't even have to color their sticks to put it that way.

Their mount prize increases movement speed by 100%, grants 50% camouflage and while equipped you gain 50 health and energy regeneration. And IS TRADABLE !!!!

How is that it not outrageous .

How dare you say the participants are not smart when OTM was capable of giving out such luxurious prizes in the past?! OTM have lowered their standards . Not us!
Just looked through, was gonna argue with u that drawing takes skill and that competition isn’t easy. Saw those drawings, died of laughter.

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Feeling kinda bad for OTM staff, forums bashing on them hard since like mid 2017, is the game dev business really this scary.
It is if you make mistakes that could have easily been avoided. Idk what they were thinking when they were designing the competition and it’s prizes lol
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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