Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

In response, Farmer Moffatt has begun breeding some unique chickens for all previous Chicken Chasing competition winners.

In the next update, all top ten competitors for each world will receive a cosmetic chicken pet, that will not require food to use.
This made my day. Thanks for taking the feedback and coming up with something truly unique. This is one thing I love about OTM is that they really listen to their players. I've played games from bigger development companies, and they never seem to deliver the level of customer service that OTM does. Bravo!
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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Hey Heroes,

Thanks for providing additional feedback on the competition and its rewards.

In response, Farmer Moffatt has begun breeding some unique chickens for all previous Chicken Chasing competition winners.

In the next update, all top ten competitors for each world will receive a cosmetic chicken pet, that will not require food to use.

As this is a cosmetic item, it will not provide any stat or skill bonuses.

But bear in mind, this is a unique pet, that only the competition winners will be rewarded with.

Each worlds top ten competitors will receive the following:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken (A White chicken with frost particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken (A Black chicken with frost particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken (A Red chicken with frost particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken (A Brown chicken with frost particle effect)

For the worldwide top ten competitors, you will also receive an additional unique cosmetic chicken pet, as follows:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken Chieftain (A White chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken General (A Black chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken Guardian (A Red chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken Clansman (A Brown chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

Thank you! These sound interesting. :)
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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Tytytytytyty otm!!! One last question tho... will it be lvl 6??? :3

Edit, just saw its cosmetic only.. so does that mean it takes up your pet slot and provides no boosts?? I’m so confused
Last edited by Zkills on Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Should be a Lvl 6 frosty chicken... I wanna use this thing 24/7 at all boss fights rather than only using it while sitting in castle showing off.
Ty otm tho for listening to us, it truly means a lot :)
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Hey Heroes,

Thanks for providing additional feedback on the competition and its rewards.

In response, Farmer Moffatt has begun breeding some unique chickens for all previous Chicken Chasing competition winners.

In the next update, all top ten competitors for each world will receive a cosmetic chicken pet, that will not require food to use.

As this is a cosmetic item, it will not provide any stat or skill bonuses.

But bear in mind, this is a unique pet, that only the competition winners will be rewarded with.

Each worlds top ten competitors will receive the following:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken (A White chicken with frost particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken (A Black chicken with frost particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken (A Red chicken with frost particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken (A Brown chicken with frost particle effect)

For the worldwide top ten competitors, you will also receive an additional unique cosmetic chicken pet, as follows:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken Chieftain (A White chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken General (A Black chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken Guardian (A Red chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken Clansman (A Brown chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

Thank you. I find it to be a kind gesture. Looking forward to the update and forward to many more wonderful playing hours.

Kind regards,

Ps...worldwide top Ten ..plz post a picture..I am very curious about the effect.
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