Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

I say take this one step at a time kind of like the first fashion. Let’s get our pets before we start adding something like a new slot for cosmetic pets. But hell if otms up for it and can do before next update, I’m all for it.
I'm guessing it will be one of two things. It will either be
1) A pet with no stats that goes in the weapon slot like the early version of pets, or...
2) A pet that goes in the pet slot, but has no stats (and somehow never goes hungry)
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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

I say take this one step at a time kind of like the first fashion. Let’s get our pets before we start adding something like a new slot for cosmetic pets. But hell if otms up for it and can do before next update, I’m all for it.
I'm guessing it will be one of two things. It will either be
1) A pet with no stats that goes in the weapon slot like the early version of pets, or...
2) A pet that goes in the pet slot, but has no stats (and somehow never goes hungry)
If it takes up the pet slot then they should just give it stats or else people will rarely have it equipped. It’s basically the first chicken they gave us but with a little effect lol. Not complaining or anything, I just think making the chicken look unique was a good start and now we need to finish it lol. What happens now could shape future competitions so let’s get it right :)
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Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Hey Heroes,

Thanks for providing additional feedback on the competition and its rewards.

In response, Farmer Moffatt has begun breeding some unique chickens for all previous Chicken Chasing competition winners.

In the next update, all top ten competitors for each world will receive a cosmetic chicken pet, that will not require food to use.

As this is a cosmetic item, it will not provide any stat or skill bonuses.

But bear in mind, this is a unique pet, that only the competition winners will be rewarded with.

Each worlds top ten competitors will receive the following:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken (A White chicken with frost particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken (A Black chicken with frost particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken (A Red chicken with frost particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken (A Brown chicken with frost particle effect)

For the worldwide top ten competitors, you will also receive an additional unique cosmetic chicken pet, as follows:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken Chieftain (A White chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken General (A Black chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken Guardian (A Red chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken Clansman (A Brown chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

Surely give 11-33 chicken recruits lol
(Because I'm global 33rd :lol: :lol: :lol: )

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