Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Sword warrior?

Ok, "glow" isn't a term that is used on my server, that's a new one for me.

I'm still not sure how 5% is "a lot". That's 5 procs out of 100 swings.

I'll stick with my void axe, I get 95% of kills on all bosses (Mord/Necro/Gele/215/210/Event) other than Proteus, which is 100% ranger kill. I used to get kills on that when I was one of the only with void Gele weap and/or DG, however rangers have gotten the kills every day for 6+ months. I used to stay in rotor blades because I'd try to bash it, which helps all dps, however I run out now (count to 15, run out, run in, repeat), and we just plow thru prot as he is pretty easy now a days.

If you want to use a sword and rely on a 5% proc, by all means go for it.

p.s. Been speaking with a warrior on the top clan in Herne, he says they refuse to give warriors DG because they believe they are terrible dps and should be tank only. Yea, I sent him about 10 screenshots of a warrior getting the kill from last week alone; told him to show it to the warrior haters on that server.

It glows a lot that I think the 5% is a lie, with 17k attack mine glows much more than other classes, giving me kills on bosses with no slash lure, not my probelm dps game is weak in your server, but in mine I go against the best bunch in whole game
Agent K - 224 Warrior Fingal
The Expendables

Bad things, there's a lot of bad things that they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' on


Re: Sword warrior?

Ok, "glow" isn't a term that is used on my server, that's a new one for me.

I'm still not sure how 5% is "a lot". That's 5 procs out of 100 swings.

I'll stick with my void axe, I get 95% of kills on all bosses (Mord/Necro/Gele/215/210/Event) other than Proteus, which is 100% ranger kill. I used to get kills on that when I was one of the only with void Gele weap and/or DG, however rangers have gotten the kills every day for 6+ months. I used to stay in rotor blades because I'd try to bash it, which helps all dps, however I run out now (count to 15, run out, run in, repeat), and we just plow thru prot as he is pretty easy now a days.

If you want to use a sword and rely on a 5% proc, by all means go for it.

p.s. Been speaking with a warrior on the top clan in Herne, he says they refuse to give warriors DG because they believe they are terrible dps and should be tank only. Yea, I sent him about 10 screenshots of a warrior getting the kill from last week alone; told him to show it to the warrior haters on that server.

It glows a lot that I think the 5% is a lie, with 17k attack mine glows much more than other classes, giving me kills on bosses with no slash lure, not my probelm dps game is weak in your server, but in mine I go against the best bunch in whole game
The 5% isn't a lie lol it's the probability meaning should be 1/20 hits. I'm very curious to see your gear can you post it

Re: Sword warrior?

Ok, "glow" isn't a term that is used on my server, that's a new one for me.

I'm still not sure how 5% is "a lot". That's 5 procs out of 100 swings.

I'll stick with my void axe, I get 95% of kills on all bosses (Mord/Necro/Gele/215/210/Event) other than Proteus, which is 100% ranger kill. I used to get kills on that when I was one of the only with void Gele weap and/or DG, however rangers have gotten the kills every day for 6+ months. I used to stay in rotor blades because I'd try to bash it, which helps all dps, however I run out now (count to 15, run out, run in, repeat), and we just plow thru prot as he is pretty easy now a days.

If you want to use a sword and rely on a 5% proc, by all means go for it.

p.s. Been speaking with a warrior on the top clan in Herne, he says they refuse to give warriors DG because they believe they are terrible dps and should be tank only. Yea, I sent him about 10 screenshots of a warrior getting the kill from last week alone; told him to show it to the warrior haters on that server.

It glows a lot that I think the 5% is a lie, with 17k attack mine glows much more than other classes, giving me kills on bosses with no slash lure, not my probelm dps game is weak in your server, but in mine I go against the best bunch in whole game
Those are bold claims to make, do you have an endgame dps char on every server?

Perhaps fingals dps game is weak if your edl sword is getting the kill over others without a slash lure?
#NerfIdolsCutBossHP #DecreaseRaidWindows

Re: Sword warrior?

Imo fingal has one of the strongest rogues in the game. Adrohan. There are some other very good rogues there but none are at adros level. The fingal rangers are decent without being great. I could name a few servers who have much stronger rangers. If Ks comment was that he goes up against some of the best i would definately agree but to say they are the best, i would disagree with that comment.
Ventius - level 227 ranger of dawn
Ventius - level 222 noob ranger of Enigma
Ventius - level 163 druid

RIP badabing

Your newest blue name who has dreams to one day be purple

Re: Sword warrior?

That is one rogue and he is in the opposing clan, Agent would not be competing against him for kill credit.

He really has no idea what other servers are capable of and so he should not be assuming things about them.
#NerfIdolsCutBossHP #DecreaseRaidWindows

Re: Sword warrior?

That is one rogue and he is in the opposing clan, Agent would not be competing against him for kill credit.

He really has no idea what other servers are capable of and so he should not be assuming things about them.
Assumimg, Adrohan is my clanmate btw lol, I see the strong ones from servers and those who usually get kills, and I also get to see people around them, gear wise and all, I'm in a group that consists of best bunches of all servers and I see what's going on.
Agent K - 224 Warrior Fingal
The Expendables

Bad things, there's a lot of bad things that they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' on


Re: Sword warrior?

Ok, "glow" isn't a term that is used on my server, that's a new one for me.

I'm still not sure how 5% is "a lot". That's 5 procs out of 100 swings.

I'll stick with my void axe, I get 95% of kills on all bosses (Mord/Necro/Gele/215/210/Event) other than Proteus, which is 100% ranger kill. I used to get kills on that when I was one of the only with void Gele weap and/or DG, however rangers have gotten the kills every day for 6+ months. I used to stay in rotor blades because I'd try to bash it, which helps all dps, however I run out now (count to 15, run out, run in, repeat), and we just plow thru prot as he is pretty easy now a days.

If you want to use a sword and rely on a 5% proc, by all means go for it.

p.s. Been speaking with a warrior on the top clan in Herne, he says they refuse to give warriors DG because they believe they are terrible dps and should be tank only. Yea, I sent him about 10 screenshots of a warrior getting the kill from last week alone; told him to show it to the warrior haters on that server.

It glows a lot that I think the 5% is a lie, with 17k attack mine glows much more than other classes, giving me kills on bosses with no slash lure, not my probelm dps game is weak in your server, but in mine I go against the best bunch in whole game
Those are bold claims to make, do you have an endgame dps char on every server?

Perhaps fingals dps game is weak if your edl sword is getting the kill over others without a slash lure?
Fingal doesn't have weak dps. All of our classes could go toe to toe with any other server. It just happens we have strong warriors that do a lot of damage. Agent k posts that he gets kills and because he's a warrior, people go crazy and start insulting the other classes because a warrior gets kills.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Sword warrior?

So besides adro, who are these best bunch of dps players in game that are in your clan and what gear are they rocking?
Create a lvl 1 toon and come visit Fingal. It'd be much faster than us typing out a bunch of toons with paragraphs of gear lists.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Sword warrior?

It glows a lot that I think the 5% is a lie, with 17k attack mine glows much more than other classes, giving me kills on bosses with no slash lure, not my probelm dps game is weak in your server, but in mine I go against the best bunch in whole game
Those are bold claims to make, do you have an endgame dps char on every server?

Perhaps fingals dps game is weak if your edl sword is getting the kill over others without a slash lure?
Fingal doesn't have weak dps. All of our classes could go toe to toe with any other server. It just happens we have strong warriors that do a lot of damage. Agent k posts that he gets kills and because he's a warrior, people go crazy and start insulting the other classes because a warrior gets kills.
I am well aware of how capable warrior dps can be with DG and i was not downplaying that. I was more curious as to why he thinks other servers' dps game is weak.
#NerfIdolsCutBossHP #DecreaseRaidWindows

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