hello everyone! I haven’t played in ages, but even when I did I barely did play! Lol well anyways to cut to the point I’m new and I’m looking for a new fresh world to start on and make some pretty cool friends, looking for someone that can show me the ropes and give some awesome advice! ( no I’m not asking for items or anything like that just a few pointers lol)
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Re: Your favorite detergent here!
#2Welcome back!
Idk much about all the servers but Gwydion is ace if you like end game content. If you give it a go let me know and I am always super happy to help
Any idea what class you're going for?
Eury ♥
Idk much about all the servers but Gwydion is ace if you like end game content. If you give it a go let me know and I am always super happy to help

Any idea what class you're going for?
Eury ♥
Pizzazz 222 mage - Epona
Retired ♥
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion
Retired ♥
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion
Re: Your favorite detergent here!
#3Would love to have you on Tara. Nice and active server with little drama in between clans. Also decently active and literally has most kinds of clan systems you can imagine! DKP, Banks, Rolls, its all here!
Name: arkhamasylum 220 Rogue
World: Taranis
Clan: Revival
World: Taranis
Clan: Revival
Re: Your favorite detergent here!
#4Welcome back!
I love your name... and yes, tide pods are in fact my favorite detergent
I love your name... and yes, tide pods are in fact my favorite detergent

Re: Your favorite detergent here!
#5Thanks! I have no idea yet, might go for ranger! Would be cool to know what the world needs more of! Plus what social app does Gwy use?Welcome back!
Idk much about all the servers but Gwydion is ace if you like end game content. If you give it a go let me know and I am always super happy to help
Any idea what class you're going for?
Eury ♥

Re: Your favorite detergent here!
#6Hmmmm what kind of drama? I don’t really like drama lol!Would love to have you on Tara. Nice and active server with little drama in between clans. Also decently active and literally has most kinds of clan systems you can imagine! DKP, Banks, Rolls, its all here!

Re: Your favorite detergent here!
#7See I knew it!Welcome back!
I love your name... and yes, tide pods are in fact my favorite detergent

Re: Your favorite detergent here!
#9No I’m not food! I’m just a friendly detergentTIDE PODS ARE NOT FOOD.
Welcome back

Re: Your favorite detergent here!
#10Welcome to the forums!
I'm going to pretend that you were always named Tide Pods even if you weren't.