Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Your favorite detergent here!

Would love to have you on Tara. Nice and active server with little drama in between clans. Also decently active and literally has most kinds of clan systems you can imagine! DKP, Banks, Rolls, its all here!
Hmmmm what kind of drama? I don’t really like drama lol!
Every server has drama. Its just seems to be how it is. This server has little drama compared to some others is what I was saying. :lol:
Name: arkhamasylum 220 Rogue

World: Taranis

Clan: Revival

Re: Your favorite detergent here!

Would love to have you on Tara. Nice and active server with little drama in between clans. Also decently active and literally has most kinds of clan systems you can imagine! DKP, Banks, Rolls, its all here!
Hmmmm what kind of drama? I don’t really like drama lol!
Every server has drama. Its just seems to be how it is. This server has little drama compared to some others is what I was saying. :lol:
Ohhhh right gotcha!

Re: Your favorite detergent here!

Welcome back to Celtic Tide :) Please stay away from the kitchen...Seems some near sighted folks are confusing you with candy.

As for what server to join, maybe just create some nubs on a couple and see which you like the best.
Oh my, liv I remember your name from when I use to play arawn!

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