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Toothpicks Endgame Rogue Build Guide *2020 Edition*

I can’t really play hardcore like I used to, so I figure may as well give an end all be all guide to maybe make dps interesting again for people that are either bored of having no competition within their lock groups, or for people that want to be the best dps in clan, server, and/or the whole game.

This is for people willing to pay 100% full attention to one toon (dual log can ruin you if you’re not very good at it) and is extremely click intensive.
If you think this stuff isn’t as good as what you already do, or you think you are using some ultra setup that's actually better than this, you’re wrong. But that's okay. It just means you can progress, improve as a player. It means you still have stuff you can do other than camp all day.

There are going to be things in here that can help even casual players improve their clans raid knowledge.

Surface/Permanent Gear: Surface gear is what I call gear that you have on basically at all times.

ARMOR: Full Doch Gul and a Bloodthorn Helm. Str > Dex.

WEAPON: Creidhne's Dagger of Ashes > Earth > Winter > Voidsworn Dagger of AAshes > Earth > Winter > Shadowsworn Dagger of Ashes > Earth > Winter > Void Gelebron Blade > Darksworn Dagger > Shadow Gelebron Blade > Edl Dagger

The new Dino Daggers are exceptional and fix the nagging bug/mechanic that plagues Gelebron Blades. While the Gelebron skill is decent and situationally usable at bosses with low elemental resists, it stops your auto attacks while the skills animation goes off, making it lose dps in most other situations. The new Daggers skills are truly instant cast, which makes them gain dps in every situation!

NECKLACE: Ankou's Necklace of Assassins > Godly Necklace of Assassins> Ankou's Necklace of Brawlers > Imperial Necklace of Assassins > Godly Necklace of Brawlers > Royal Necklace of Assassins > Imperial Necklace of Brawlers > Runic Valor > Majestic Necklace of Assassins > Royal Brawlers > Majestic Brawlers

The new Dino amulets are also best in slot here, with the dagger ability ones slightly beating out the h2h ability ones because of the attack/damage boost from the dagger ability and the direct damage to Quickstrike.

CHARM/MISCELLANEOUS: Godly Bloodleaf Charm of Ferocity > Imperial > Royal > Sunfire charms

BRACELETS: Illusions of the Apostate > Knowledge of the Apostate > Godly Ingenuity >Guilt of the Banished** > Imperial Ingenuity > Royal Ingenuity > Hellforged > Godly Proteus Dex Str Atk > Majestic Ingenuity > Imperial Proteus Dex Str Atk

Apostates are the new best bracelets in the game at the moment, coming in at a clean 300 damage along with 200 beneficial stats (100 if you get Knowledge instead of Illusions). They are also the only camp-able braces in the game, as they spawn off of an extremely rare (Used to be 1/5k, now potentially 1/10k) mob spawn in Alchemical Quarters. The only downside is no attack bonuses on them, but with all the gear available nowadays you can make up for it in other slots.

**with all 3 lures, Banished braces are the best braces in the game at Dl/Edl, Necro, Proteus, Gelebron

RINGS: Godly Bloodthorn Band of Ferocity > Godly Bloodthorn Band of Subtlety > Godly Divine Ring** > Imperial Bloodthorn Band of Ferocity > Imperial Bloodthorn Band of Subtlety > Royal Bloodthorn Band of Ferocity > Royal Bloodthorn Band of Subtlety > Godly Necral Ring of Blood

**Godly Divine rings are worse if you can equip 4 imperial or better BT rings.

PET: Bloodthorn/Dhiothu: Magic Dragon > Fire Dragon/Ice Dragon > Imp > Psn Dragon
Everything else: Imp > Dragon

BATTLEMOUNT: Bloodthorn/Dhiothu: Elk > Hellsteed > Wolf > Horse > Bear > Tiger
Everywhere else: Wolf > Hellsteed > Elk > Horse > Tiger > Bear

In Doch Gul with all godly surface gear, you want 6k hp minimum for Gelebron in full DG, it’s enough to live the first 2 aoes if you resto spam unless he gets a high roll/you are runed. Every third aoe Gelebron does is a just a lame 1k chaos aoe unless you're runed, so use that time to resto spam yourself up to full so you can live the next AOE.
For the rest of your points in DG set, go full str, or at least 75% str 25%dex. If you dont have full dg, dont go full str. Shadowstrike is the strongest Rogue dps skill on Gelebron, and if you do not have dg your attack is likely pretty low, so 0 dex means lower accuracy. The less high tier gear/dg you have, the more dex you need.

In order of most dps gained as of right now, it goes
1. Quickstrike - you cast it a ton and it doesn’t mess with any auto attacks
2. Rend** - Unlapped, rend is number 2 at the moment. If you know a lot of ppl use 50 rend, don’t bother unless its your 6th skill. When Otm fixed Server Lag across servers, rend changed from 3 ticks to 8, making it usable in endgame builds. I don’t know if the change to it was intended or not, if it wasn’t, I hope they leave it because otherwise rend sucks.
3 Double Attack - the most consistent skill, it takes 1.5 seconds to cast and never misses with a 15s cooldown, guarantees a gain of 60% of one auto attack every cast (One auto hasted is 1.1s)
4. Sneaky Attack - The highest dps gain per single cast, but with such a slow recast time it is just decent dps overall
5. Shadowstrike - Feast or Famine skill, if it hits youre golden, if it doesn’t youre screwed. Number 1 on Gelebron, Hrung, and in Carrow
6. Poison Weapon - Extremely consistent skill if you stay alive, the more attack you have the stronger it is. Number 2 on Hrung and in Carrow.
7. Assassinate - does like 100-200 more damage than sneaky, you can only use it 1-3 times a boss, and it misses. It sucks ass. To put it into perspective, 3 hit lvl 50 assassinates with swapped mord assassinate brace will lose 1 and a half autos, so about 1200 damage on any given boss in exchange for an average of 3-3.5k damage, net gain of 1800-2300 in each cast, so 5400-6900 damage. Quickstrike does the entirety of Assassinates maximum dps output in 5 casts. And you cast it 90 times.

** Rend is below Shadowstrike if there are people contesting it.

Swapping gear brings your dps output to another level, it’s one of the things that separates the good players from the best players.
A godly Gele Sneaky ring adds 2700 bonus damage to Sneaky attack, thats equal to about 1200 Str worth of damage. On top of the untouchable direct damage, they also give you skillpoints. Now you might be thinking “The skills I use are already 45/45 or 50/50”. That may be true, but with swaps you can add an entire extra level 50 skill for free (Or even 2 if youre swappy enough, though the time it takes up to swap the extra swaps needed for Assassinate 7th skill over the 12 minutes or so before it is able to be cast usually loses more dps than Ass gains.) That means you add an entire skills worth of dps to your total dps output. Which can be an absolutely massive gain. A non full dg player that 6 skill swaps can beat a full dg player that does not.

Basically just lower the skillpoints added in each skill so that you only hit 50 points in it if you swap. It makes casual playing harder but you get used to it. Enough swaps and youll be able to swap another lvl 50 skill for free. This means you need lots of hotbar slots to optimise it. Watch my Killing Mord With a Cruel Knife Youtube video to get a glimpse of what it was like for me in early stages of learning. You need to swap the stuff on, use the skill, swap back to surface gear, and repeat for every skill you have swaps for until the boss is dead.

Cooldown Swapping (CD Swap): There are 2 methods commonly used to CD Swap, the Regular CD Swap which you do by swapping on your cooldown item I.e. Royal Band of Sneaky Attack, then an item for a different slot (a ring/charm/weapon/pet/mount/anything) to trigger the cooldown effect, casting the skill, then swapping your brace back to normal and finally your other item back to normal. If you have a 20% cooldown you do this when your skill is 75-80% cooled, if you have 40% you do it at 55-60%. The other way to create the same effect is to Double tap your cooldown item, if you do it correctly it will have the same effect without having to swap another slot. The second method is a lot harder to do consistently and the timing changes based on your device/connection.

Swap Gear:
Quickstrike: Bloodthorn CD Ring + Mord QS Brace > Dhiothu CD Brace + Gelebron QS Ring.

Dino Braces are much easier to obtain at higher cooldown percentages, so they are most common.

Shadowstrike: Dhiothu Ss Brace + Bloodthorn Charm of Subtlety+**Ring of Subtlety

**Many players will not be able to get a Subtlety ring just for swaps, so just having a Subtlety ring in first slot is a fine alternative.

Rend: Dhiothu Brace > Rend Ring

Brace adds direct damage and cunning which increases rends initial damage and further increases tick damage

Poison Weapon: Dhiothu Cunning ammy + Bloodthorn Charm of Subtlety * Necro Cunning Ring + Aggy Dex Pw Brace (Unless you have an Ingenuity in your second slot, then you can just add a Gelebron Dex Cunning brace to get more damage)

Double Attack: Bloodthorn Cd Ring + (Apostate>Banished>Ingenuity>Hrung dmg brace) > Necro Cd Brace + Damage Ring

Sneaky Attack: Dhiothu Cd Brace + (Bloodthorn Sneaky Ring > Gelebron Sneaky Ring) > Bloodthron Cd Ring + Event Str Sneaky Dmg Brace

Assassinate: Just put whatever on the skill sucks anyways

Well, now you know some of what it takes to maximize your DPS on bosses, good luck.
Last edited by Toothpick on Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:19 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Washed up Epona rogue that doesn't play
225 Rogue Toothpick
215 Warrior Anubis

Re: Strongest Possible Endgame Rogue Dps Output

I can’t really play hardcore like I used to, so I figure may as well give an end all be all guide to maybe make dps interesting again for people that are either bored of having no competition within their lock groups, or for people that want to be the best dps in clan, server, and/or the whole game.

This is for people willing to pay 100% full attention to one toon (dual log can ruin you if you’re not very good at it) and is supremely click intensive.
If you think this stuff isn’t as good as what you already do, or you think you are using some ultra setup thats actually better than this, you’re wrong. I’m better than you, saladin7 (Adro) is better than you, the people that nolifed hundreds of hours testing and debating, creating and testing theories, breaking down even the tiniest game mechanics (How many of you know that when you swap any given item, whether its an accidental swap and swap back taking up .005s, your next auto attack automatically includes that item into it? Meaning if you accidentally swap to mount, but catch it immdiately and hotbar weps back, your next auto will be what you would auto on your mount, even if the time loss was practically 0.) to progress our dps as a whole are all better than you. But thats okay. It just means you can progress, improve as a player. It means you still have stuff you can do other than camp all day.

There are going to be things in here that can help even casual players improve their clans raid knowledge.

Surface Gear: Surface gear is what I call gear that you have on basically at all times.

ARMOR: Full Doch Gul
WEAPON: Edl Dagger is the strongest weapon on Necro, Gelebron, and whenever youre not hasted. Void Fire and Ice Gelebron daggers are better when hasted on Dl, Edl, and Proteus because they have lower resistances across the board, which lets the weapons pure power catch up to the unresisted procs. Voidbane Spear is the strongest hasted weapon in Carrow+Hrung

NECKLACE: Runic Ammy of Valour is the best overall. Elemental damage beats physical damage and nothing else comes close in this category. On 205 and 210 Edl, use Stargem Str Ammy because they are weak to Ice, so the 120 less elemental damage isnt an issue. Skain and Garanak sets are outdated aside from Poison at Hrung and Mord.

CHARM/MISCELLANIUS: 100 Poison Sunfire charm for Gelebron, Proteus, Carrow, Hrung.100 Ice for 205/210, 100 fire for 185/195, Godly Quickstrike Cd charm for 200/215 Edls/Necro
The least resisted damage type on Gelebron and Proteus aside from Divine is Poison, sitting at around 25% max effectiveness. 210 and 205 have minimal to 0 Cold resist, so Cold charm is best, Same applies with fire charm and 185/195. The quickstrike charm gives you up to 30 extra Qs every 15 minutes, it’s strongest on things with lower phys resists and normal elemental resists, Magic isnt the best anywhere before you ask. It’s selling point is that it’s not bad anywhere either, it’s just okay.

BRACELETS: 2 Godly Dex Str Attack prot braces, 1 and 1 Godly ingen, and or 2 Godly Ingen (Still Debatable, I prefer 1 and 1)
Lower attack ingen is beat by the prots, but in max gear you wont have low attack. On paper Godly Ingen is the strongest brace in the game, but Godly Ingen vs Godly Str Dex Prot is a loss of ~550 attack with reaper, before you include the lixed attack loss

RINGS: Reaper Ring, Godly Divine Ring, 2 Godly Blood (Dagger) Rings. Reaper ring is a busted item and I hope otm adds a permanent haste item that adds 15% attack but other benefits to make the buff type more accessible (Otm please never release any more % boosting gear aside from the potential permanent reaper beater, they have too much staying power for a game about progression). Divine ring is the strongest pure dps ring in the game against chaos bosses. Bosses generally have very high resists while divine damage is unresisted, meaning that 100 damage per hit makes your 600 auto a 700 auto (before fluct), and when you auto 800+ times a boss, it makes a ridiculous difference. Blood Rings add the most attack aside from reaper, and best in slot skill damage+survivability boost

PET: Ice Dragon is the strongest, because bosses higher up in importance are weak to it (205/210). Fire on 185/195, poison in Carrow and on Hrung, Magic if you just like the look, it’s not bad anywhere

BATTLEMOUNT: Before I say which, I hate battle mounts. Everyone is always sitting on one now, so it makes everything impossible to see, it has the same 3 animations for everything, and the mount whistle setback is stupid. Anyways you want highest tier Wolf unless you can have a crush lure for everything, then use Horse. Or just wait till otm releases some sort of Dragon Hatchling Mount that needs 6 way too rare chest only Mount Eggs and blows all the others out of the water like they did with pets.

In Doch Gul with all godly surface gear, you want 6k hp minimum for Gelebron in full DG, it’s enough to live the first 2 aoes if you resto spam unless he gets a high roll/you are runed. Every third aoe Gelebron does is a just a lame 1k chaos aoe unless youre runed, so use that time to resto spam yourself up to full so you can live the next aoe.
For the rest of your points in DG set, go full str, or at least 75% str 25%dex. If you dont have full dg, dont go full str. Shadowstrike is the strongest Rogue dps skill on Gelebron, and if you do not have dg your attack is likely pretty low, so 0 dex means lower accuracy. The less high tier gear/dg you have, the more dex you need.

In order of most dps gained as of right now, it goes
1. Quickstrike - you cast it a ton and it doesn’t mess with any auto attacks
2. Rend - Unlapped, rend is number 2 at the moment. If you know a lot of ppl use 50 rend, don’t bother unless its your 6th skill. When Otm fixed Server Lag across servers, rend changed from 3 ticks to 8, making it usable in endgame builds. I don’t know if the change to it was intended or not, if it was’nt, I hope they leave it because otherwise rend sucks.
3 Double Attack - the most consistent skill, it takes 1.5 seconds to cast and never misses with a 15s cooldown, guarantees a gain of 60% of one auto attack every cast (One auto hasted is 1.1s)
4. Sneaky Attack - The highest dps gain per single cast, but with such a slow recast time it is just decent dps overall
5. Shadowstrike - Feast or Famine skill, if it hits youre golden, if it doesn’t youre screwed. Number 1 on Gelebron, Hrung, and in Carrow
6. Poison Weapon - Extremely consistent skill if you stay alive, the more attack you have the stronger it is. Number 2 on Hrung and in Carrow.
7. Assassinate - does like 100-200 more damage than sneaky, you can only use it 1-3 times a boss, and it misses. It sucks ass. To put it into perspective, 3 hit lvl 50 assassinates with swapped mord assassinate brace will lose 1 and a half autos, so about 1200 damage on any given boss in exchange for an average of 3-3.5k damage, net gain of 1800-2300 in each cast, so 5400-6900 damage. Quickstrike does the entirety of Assassinates maximum dps output in 5 casts. And you cast it 90 times.

Swapping gear brings your dps output to another level, it’s one of the things that separates the good players from the best players.
A godly Gele Sneaky ring adds 2700 bonus damage to Sneaky attack, thats equal to about 1200 Str worth of damage. On top of the untouchable direct damage, they also give you skillpoints. Now you might be thinking “The skills I use are already 45/45 or 50/50”. That may be true, but with swaps you can add an entire extra level 50 skill for free (Or even 2 if youre swappy enough, though the time it takes up to swap the extra swaps needed for Assassinate 7th skill over the 12 minutes or so before it is able to be cast usually loses more dps than Ass gains.) That means you add an entire skills worth of dps to your total dps output. Which can be an absolutely massive gain. A non full dg player that 6 skill swaps can beat a full dg player that does not.

Basically just lower the skillpoints added in each skill so that you only hit 50 points in it if you swap. It makes casual playing harder but you get used to it. Enough swaps and youll be able to swap another lvl 50 skill for free. This means you need lots of hotbar slots to optimise it. Watch my Killing Mord With a Cruel Knife Youtube video to get a glimpse of what it was like for me in early stages of learning. You need to swap the stuff on, use the skill, swap back to surface gear, and repeat for every skill you have swaps for until the boss is dead.

Swap Gear:
Quickstrike: Mordris Brace and Gelebron ring, swap on before every cast, swap off after. As of right now my Qs does up to 6800 damage and can crit for over 3k on Proteus.
Shadowstrike: Osan Shadowstrike Amulet or Ridge Shadowstrike Ring (Or both if you want 7 skills/need the points for 6). 15 points and 230 dex and 800 cunning, it makes your ss 300-450 damage stronger per swap than a normal 50 ss
Rend: Mord or Aggy ring, Aggy Brace too if you need the points, but you won’t for 6 swap. Rend has no str or direct damage ring, so this one is easy
Poison Weapon: Swap on your highest Pw ring along with your osan ammy, the huge dex and cun make your pw a hell of a lot stronger, or if you have ingen just swap the osan ammy on.
Double Attack: Swap 100 Cold Ring on and an Ice gelebron blade or Mord spear every cast at 205/210 edl, Fire at 185/195, Poison spear and Poison one in Carrow/At Hrung. For 6 Swap you can use an alchem ring to reach 6 skills, but as you upgrade gear remove it as soon as possible, you won’t need it forever
Sneaky attack: Gelebron Sneak Ring and Swap a Gele Blade on.
Assassinate: It sucks ass but if you really want it you’ll need to have a Qs/Assassinate Spider Charm and Assass Mord brace, put on a Gele Blade or Mord Spear

Now, regarding Double Attack and Sneaky attack, there are ways to apply the 30% cooldown reductions you get from Necro braces to their casts without having them on full time, making them up to 30% stronger across the board (30% more casts is equal to 30% more damage), but I do not support it. I believe its a bug and therefore won’t abuse it. If you know how to do it good for you, if you don’t know how, don’t ask me, I wont tell you.

Rogues are still the best dps in the game, Rangers don’t come close in pure damage. The bosses rangers can win at are Proteus and Gelebron, two bosses where Rogues are off of the boss 20% of the time, and a good swaprogue can still get those kills.

Well, now you know some of what it takes to maximise your dps on bosses, good luck going for it.
Thoughts on sneaky recast misc ?

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