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Re: Best offhand to get with reaper ring for DL locking

Greetings to all of my fellow rogues,
Title says it all. What would you get, the runic spite offy or the axe?
Runic spite. Poison is divine in carrow + better for mordris by a landslide + dex bonus for skills
Spite for everything
And what about when you think to level? Then would you prefer an axe as the haste from the spite offy would be a waste?
Dolosus - 170, Rogue

"The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
~ Hellen Keller

Re: Best offhand to get with reaper ring for DL locking

Greetings to all of my fellow rogues,
Title says it all. What would you get, the runic spite offy or the axe?
Runic spite. Poison is divine in carrow + better for mordris by a landslide + dex bonus for skills
Spite for everything
And what about when you think to level? Then would you prefer an axe as the haste from the spite offy would be a waste?
Na i would still get spite

Re: Best offhand to get with reaper ring for DL locking

Lol I’d get axe the pierce damage won’t scale well with a Dex Carrow build, the poison damage being less resisted isn’t a problem because u get like 3x as much fire/ice damage, which makes it kinda equal, and the Dex is such a small boost for a Dex build I’d rather go with the 350? Str which will help qs do more damage and give u decent auto damage
But i mean when you consider that on mord 120 poison damage is about equal to 800 fire/ice/magic damage after resists, 250 str boost means petty much squat. On like sreng and snorri its much more equal, but spite still beats it generally. For lixing use axe if you have a mage, spite if not, and dont use reaper at all. Youll be on haste lix and attack isnt that big of a deal lixing.
Washed up Epona rogue that doesn't play
225 Rogue Toothpick
215 Warrior Anubis

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