your exact wording was:I'm not debating whether sharpshot is free damage or good for personal dps. What I'm saying is if stuck with a choice between it or sharpen weapons I'm going with sharpen to boost the overall damage of the group which will yield more dps over time.
this statement could not be any more wrong. Also, whilst it may be true in some cases, sharpen weapons does yield more overall dps however what also must be considered is the following: do any other rangers run sharpen weapons? If the answer is yes then you have 50 wasted skill points and are also left without sharpshot. Resulting in a loss of dps. And secondly what classes are you typically grouped with? A rangers sharpen is useless to any dps warriors or rogues. They are not even close to in range to recieve its buff. So that effects the overall usefulness of sharpen shot isn't a viable endgame skill unless you have full DG or pvping imo.
In an ideal scenario a player should run both of these skill. If however for whatever reason a player can use only 1 of the two i would take sharpshot every day of the week