I petitioned ages ago to get it unblocked, if I recall it was just after Anex made a April fools joke about being unblocked from the forumsOTM originally was against the site, but I remember seeing Muldar post something about a change in position with regards to it, saying even OTM staff have used it from time to time.Yeah, I have pretty vague idea what the PHP or AJAX is, but maybe a some other CH fan could use that :-)
Not sure if it is legit to share such links like the items database in public? Given the OTM quite silence about actual mechanic and such. Heard it was no-no but changed later though?
I wish OTM could publish an item database like anexander did, it was insanely helpful to the community.

I've had a look into resurrecting the Item Database as a personal project and got semi far with it, unfortunately his PHP was not included in the database file so don't hold your breath on me finishing it any time soon.