I mean no disrespect, ranger123, and I can see why you think all of this. I will try to deconstruct your arguments to provide my insight.
haha so funny lol seed only will allow a1% amount of people into there clan
Sorry, 1% of what? The server? That’s still a lot of people. If you meant 1% of end game players, then no, we have recruited I think 15 or so end game players in the past 2-3 months.
and they have multiple rules such as you can’t buy any gear or use any gear that was once in seed
Incorrect. You CAN buy ex-Seed gear, as long as you don’t flaunt it in our faces. Why would we be mad? It’s going to be bought by a rival clan regardless.
you can’t kill bosses that they kill
What do you mean ‘you can’t’? Since when do we physically stop people from killing bosses? If you can kill a boss, go for it. We will never grief or interrupt your attempts.
you can’t lix near them in the same room when they do also you can’t join an opposing clan.
Wait what. I’m a general and have never heard of this rule. Lix with whoever the hell you want, XP is XP.
All these stuff will get you blacklisted
I can’t think of a single person who we’ve rejected because of the above reasons. We don’t allow scammers/trash talkers/account sharers in, everyone else is welcome to work their way to getting to know us and eventually joining.
also there’s ones guy called apoc..... if you don’t sell him anything for cheap he will ruin your chance of getting in seed .
Lol? Apoc has never approached me (or any core) to ‘ruin’ their chances in Seed. Am I missing something?
Also seedling is just there for people to suck seed do whatever they say of get blacklisted from joining them.
Can say the same thing about literally every other feeder clan, which exist in most servers. The whole point is to ‘suck up’ and get to know us, so we know who we are inviting to clan. And people get geared in Seedlings too, we’ve handed out quite a few dl sets/weps/edl pieces, because whatever is gained in Seedlings, stay in Seedlings.
Anyone who starts to play crom remember will take you years to get edl more then 4+ . They killed all there plat buyers on the server.
There are 4 clans (including Seed) that down EDL bosses. We leave the lower ones up most of the time since we prefer to focus on the ones we actually need. Same reason we don’t actively camp aggy and let other clans kill.
I’m genuinely sorry you had a bad experience in Crom, hopefully wherever you’re at now helps you enjoy the game.
Also I hope this clears up any other misconceptions people have about Crom. Same story in every server except Epona.
You have people in top clan who are happy, and those that are not who aren't happy. Blame the game, not the players.