Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Everything is clear to me...

Mdimacro... 'theirs' is refering to OTM. And Yes it is partialy his fault for trusting a man that he knows not 1 bit. And also this isnt the real world so stop trying to turn this game into a cops and robbers.
Well 90% of lux items I would estimate were bought with real money, for a 200k ammy, about $50 worth.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Everything is clear to me...

Further more one thumb is not responsible for undoing a bad trade you did. It is you that accepted the trade not one thumb. One thumb has even gone as far to put in an extra step in the trade process to prevent a person from doing a dumb trade.

You have no right to get upset at the game maker. They are not the one who said to trust this person. You made that choice. It is between you an the person you chose to trust. Frankly I would never trust anyone with an exchange. But if I were to do so I have a list of about two people in game I would trust and I would never use anyone else to exchange.

Your mistake not one thumbs
No one is saying it was one thumbs mistake. We are only saying to track the items and return to the player who they were stolen from.

If I said, "hey can you hold my wallet for a second" to someone and they ran away with it, I would file a police report and if they could track and find my wallet, they would return it to me. Plain an simple. This case is no different.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Everything is clear to me...

Well, my friend spent money on platinum... asked a dude for a transfer (why he didn't wait for me to log on I'll never know) and the dude scammed him. I know for a fact OTM can return his items... they can also ban the scammer... Yet they don't...

What does OTM care about? All they care about is making money. Forget those who get scammed, why waste time helping them when they'll just spend more money to get it again? Why care about players getting scammed?

All OTM did was prevent sneaky scamming... Why don't we just all forget that it is possible to make friends and gain trust... No reason to make friends, because that's not why humans have personalities... All OTM cares about is making money, forget the capabilities we have as humans. Emotions mean nothing. As long as OTM gets money you're all free to make friends and get betrayed :D

Confuzzled I'm with you, read my last posts.

But I do think you are wrong about OTM. While I'm sure they like making money like the rest of us, I can guarantee you that when they are deciding whether or not to return stolen items they are not thinking "lets not return them so this guy has to buy new items and make us more money!". They know that every situation like this they have a very high chance of loosing a great customer, and they are doing everything they know to do to help remedy the situation.

Thats why I provided the perspective of my above posts so that they can hopefully realize that they can and should do more to help if possible.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Everything is clear to me...

OKAY, here is the full in depth story.

Marr, a level 85 druid in Danu and a proud General of Nightmare, usually goes to me for all his transfers. Ddogdruid (scammer) was an honest player up until this point and a fellow clan member of Nightmare. I am the proud chieftan of Nightmare and dealt with it in clan. The scammer said he had sold the items to a npc. So Rikitt, you have your clan to go to just in case? Yeah we all thought we did, so now only the generals and myself transfer. If it is possible to make accs invincible on ch why can't it be possible to make money (I'm talking about admin). This isn't his fault, and it's not OTM's fault. It is Marr's fault. He spent money on this game for the luxury items, therefor including OTM in this situation. He is a kid and spent money for the double plat, he's an active player too. But why should he not receive the items back? He spent money on platinum for them, therefor he just got screwed over.

That is my thought on this subject!

And don't even suggest that Nightmare isn't helping our fellow clan mate... We decided to get the high up people to help... We have to take matters into our own hands if this fails... I honestly seek help as a player, hopefully someone will help. If not it just proves why scammers aren't ever banned. Because they can all get away with it.
Yes, I have made mistakes. Yes, I'm human.

Re: Everything is clear to me...

If anybody has any issues regarding trades, items, etc., the best course of action to take is a send a message to the Support team using the in-game Support tool, rather than posting it in the General Discussion forum. Your issue will be dealt with a lot faster if you contact the Support team rather than using the forums.

By sending a message to the Support team, they will be able to take a look at the situation and take the necessary course of action.

However, I must remind everyone that trades between players are the responsilbity of the players involved, and all trades are final. If you are ever in doubt about a trade, then do not go through with it. The current trade system has been designed so that players have to confirm a trade twice before the trade goes through, so please make sure you are absolutely certain you want a trade to happen.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

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