Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: New Underwear!

Always wanted different colors of underwears
Cz who needs fash when you can be naked with style!!! :mrgreen:
Caercyn ivory, Mage 232
Aka bowjob, ranger 228
Roguey balboa, rogue 190
Shift happens, druid 164
Hans0l0, rogue 154

Re: New Underwear!

+1 need to change this dirty grey underwear, it’s smelly and wet!

i didn’t do it!
Try to enjoy and don't forget it's a game so smile and let go
Epona toons:
DoctorHeals (druid)(lvl 222)
DoctorFlames(mage)(lvl 221+)
DoctorPoison(rogue)(lvl 210+)
DoctorShield(warrior)(lvl 210+)
Crom toons:
Madcombo (rogue)(lvl 205+)

Re: New Underwear!

Yes. Maybe different varieties rather than a fixed color or style?
Tanker Baby - 213 Warrior (Guardian of The High Five)
Stubbz - 136 Druid
Sneaky Baby - 107 Rogue
Sniper Baby - ?? Ranger

Sneaky Baby - 50 Rogue

Tanker Baby - ?? Warrior

Re: New Underwear!

I’m kinda laughing, but I think this is the first forum thread where it’s 100% unanimous in +1s :lol:

Really hoping OTM takes us up on this idea :3 I want flamginos and polka dots!
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: New Underwear!

Um no -1 bloodbound already is naked 24/7 to begin with. He always naked, all the time. He hasn’t worn a single piece of fash in his life. He has full doch gul and he doesnt even display that. He legit naked everywhere all the time. Please so not encourage him.

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