Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: GamesDead

In rhiannon nobody is playing the castle is empty carrowmore empty every where is empty otm weneed this update can you guys tell us when it will be released
Well they banned half of Nuada so that server is also dead

Re: GamesDead

I honestly think somehow (and personally Idk how it would be done without complications but I believe it can be done) we need to combine some servers
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

Re: GamesDead

In rhiannon nobody is playing the castle is empty carrowmore empty every where is empty otm weneed this update can you guys tell us when it will be released
Well they banned half of Nuada so that server is also dead
Or, to rephrase the comment, half of Nuada got themselves banned.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
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Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
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Re: GamesDead

So what if half of nuada got banned? Most of them deserve it for cheating. It’s not OTM’s fault. They are not any better than any server to get away with duped items and gear that will boost the server’s power.
Game is far from dead, a new whole expansion in on the horizon but it’s exams season if you forgot about that.

Re: GamesDead

So what if half of nuada got banned? Most of them deserve it for cheating. It’s not OTM’s fault. They are not any better than any server to get away with duped items and gear that will boost the server’s power.
Game is far from dead, a new whole expansion in on the horizon but it’s exams season if you forgot about that.
Exams, yes.

And this always happens in the weeks between beta ending and the update being released. People see take this time to take a break for a month or so from the game.
Would you kindly?


Re: GamesDead

In rhiannon nobody is playing the castle is empty carrowmore empty every where is empty otm weneed this update can you guys tell us when it will be released
Well they banned half of Nuada so that server is also dead
Or, to rephrase the comment, half of Nuada got themselves banned.
Which they will continue to deny

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: GamesDead

In rhiannon nobody is playing the castle is empty carrowmore empty every where is empty otm weneed this update can you guys tell us when it will be released
Well they banned half of Nuada so that server is also dead
Or, to rephrase the comment, half of Nuada got themselves banned.
Correction, one person cheated and the others got banned for association due to having the chests the person hacked because they appeared to have gotten it for free which was actually just a rl use of money that or just banned for association. Hense why im not banned.

Re: GamesDead

Gardens update is not massive.

If there aren’t any regular updates every 2-3 months after gardens then the current player base that’s been loyal for all these years will get sick of this pattern.
Wattzon of Sulis

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