ok what i want to say is tht penalty should be strong enuff so that people who r strong or clan who are dominanting a server should feel tht its nt worth it... on the other hand say a new player just leveled to 200 if u can just get his toon on other toon he will be happy to do even...
2ndly not many dom clan have that mind set imo to dominate all server.... if they had much time thry would hv done it already... it only take 2 months to make an eg toon.... as fr economy i hv nt bought anything from ah in last 3 months bcz its alreadt ruined in lugh so maybe thts why i m biased..
All of these are hyperboles to make a larger point.
The real issue with server transfers is the movement of players after they get gear on A where its easier they move to B which then produces a gear drought on A, which is 100x worse than a plat drought. Take a server like Epona where anyone can get anything and then a server like, well like any other.
The community has explored an infinite amount of possibilities for such a system to exist, but there are infinitely many problems to it. Games with fluid servers work but thats because they have always existed like that, a massive structural change like that would undermine the entire game ecosystem.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at