Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....

why would they leave server if they hv dom clan... will lose power on tht server... this doesn't make sense to me... alot of ppl quit bcz of dom clan bcz they strt a server wid dom clan... they ll hv a chance to chnge server... nd Obiously IF it were to happen will hv some penalty to chnge imo
Can you type in full sentences or something. I have no idea what you are trying to get at.
sorry for my bad english.... :roll:
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....

ok what i want to say is tht penalty should be strong enuff so that people who r strong or clan who are dominanting a server should feel tht its nt worth it... on the other hand say a new player just leveled to 200 if u can just get his toon on other toon he will be happy to do even...
2ndly not many dom clan have that mind set imo to dominate all server.... if they had much time thry would hv done it already... it only take 2 months to make an eg toon.... as fr economy i hv nt bought anything from ah in last 3 months bcz its alreadt ruined in lugh so maybe thts why i m biased..
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....

ok what i want to say is tht penalty should be strong enuff so that people who r strong or clan who are dominanting a server should feel tht its nt worth it... on the other hand say a new player just leveled to 200 if u can just get his toon on other toon he will be happy to do even...
2ndly not many dom clan have that mind set imo to dominate all server.... if they had much time thry would hv done it already... it only take 2 months to make an eg toon.... as fr economy i hv nt bought anything from ah in last 3 months bcz its alreadt ruined in lugh so maybe thts why i m biased..
All of these are hyperboles to make a larger point.
The real issue with server transfers is the movement of players after they get gear on A where its easier they move to B which then produces a gear drought on A, which is 100x worse than a plat drought. Take a server like Epona where anyone can get anything and then a server like, well like any other.

The community has explored an infinite amount of possibilities for such a system to exist, but there are infinitely many problems to it. Games with fluid servers work but thats because they have always existed like that, a massive structural change like that would undermine the entire game ecosystem.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....

ok what i want to say is tht penalty should be strong enuff so that people who r strong or clan who are dominanting a server should feel tht its nt worth it... on the other hand say a new player just leveled to 200 if u can just get his toon on other toon he will be happy to do even...
2ndly not many dom clan have that mind set imo to dominate all server.... if they had much time thry would hv done it already... it only take 2 months to make an eg toon.... as fr economy i hv nt bought anything from ah in last 3 months bcz its alreadt ruined in lugh so maybe thts why i m biased..
Not tru . If dominating clan dont move togeather they cant do nothing and its hard to make half clan move and start over for dominatin.

But if 20 of 100 active in clan would transfer and multybox.... they would do many demage over servers and theyr original clans wouldnt die be because they have in any server endgame .... they dont need to put efford in it so they will morelikley just team up all swamp server and do harm
SERVER : Nuada
CLAN : Psycho (Chief)
CLASS: Warrior (Paladin)

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....

ok what i want to say is tht penalty should be strong enuff so that people who r strong or clan who are dominanting a server should feel tht its nt worth it... on the other hand say a new player just leveled to 200 if u can just get his toon on other toon he will be happy to do even...
2ndly not many dom clan have that mind set imo to dominate all server.... if they had much time thry would hv done it already... it only take 2 months to make an eg toon.... as fr economy i hv nt bought anything from ah in last 3 months bcz its alreadt ruined in lugh so maybe thts why i m biased..
Not tru . If dominating clan dont move togeather they cant do nothing and its hard to make half clan move and start over for dominatin.

But if 20 of 100 active in clan would transfer and multybox.... they would do many demage over servers and theyr original clans wouldnt die be because they have in any server endgame .... they dont need to put efford in it so they will morelikley just team up all swamp server and do harm
firstly other thn gele nd new bt boss other bosses need only 15-18 toons... many ppl tri nd quad log so only need 5-6 peep to start on a server nd dominate (ik u need to kill gele regularly to become dom clan bt new ppl might join as well) it... u only need 8 toon to get lock...
2nd as of now only epona is free world widout dom clan
3rdly dom clan is nt some evil organization tht ll destroy the world so chill nd play...its just a game
i just feel bad fr ppl who quit server bcz they r casual gamer nd couldn't get gear bcz of tht or done some mistake wen they were new or alot of other things.. thts why penalty should be strong so tht ppl dont xfer untill they hv a strong reason on a side note players hv put a lot of efforts in making a dom clan nd most of thm r attached to clan nd server nd will nt xfer
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....

ok what i want to say is tht penalty should be strong enuff so that people who r strong or clan who are dominanting a server should feel tht its nt worth it... on the other hand say a new player just leveled to 200 if u can just get his toon on other toon he will be happy to do even...
2ndly not many dom clan have that mind set imo to dominate all server.... if they had much time thry would hv done it already... it only take 2 months to make an eg toon.... as fr economy i hv nt bought anything from ah in last 3 months bcz its alreadt ruined in lugh so maybe thts why i m biased..
Not tru . If dominating clan dont move togeather they cant do nothing and its hard to make half clan move and start over for dominatin.

But if 20 of 100 active in clan would transfer and multybox.... they would do many demage over servers and theyr original clans wouldnt die be because they have in any server endgame .... they dont need to put efford in it so they will morelikley just team up all swamp server and do harm
firstly other thn gele nd new bt boss other bosses need only 15-18 toons... many ppl tri nd quad log so only need 5-6 peep to start on a server nd dominate (ik u need to kill gele regularly to become dom clan bt new ppl might join as well) it... u only need 8 toon to get lock...
2nd as of now only epona is free world widout dom clan
3rdly dom clan is nt some evil organization tht ll destroy the world so chill nd play...its just a game
i just feel bad fr ppl who quit server bcz they r casual gamer nd couldn't get gear bcz of tht or done some mistake wen they were new or alot of other things.. thts why penalty should be strong so tht ppl dont xfer untill they hv a strong reason on a side note players hv put a lot of efforts in making a dom clan nd most of thm r attached to clan nd server nd will nt xfer
Yea but as i expirianed myself
That sux i dont wanna be under some dumn rules just because that clan try block others not allowint to take bosses and gear then recruit u..... we did menage to pull it up so we do help low lvl clans.... but bro thats not enjoiment in game.... to not allowing others to gear so u can recruit them..... selfish so much that there is no other then seeking for power so much that u hurt other players in your neigburhood.... because that actualy is our server and clans are houses .....

I dont wanna join some retard clans where i am not allowed to group other clannies help outsude of clan sometimes with loot and shet. U cant forbid me to help and they do try by giving us only one option.... and that shet is hapening... u think conco from don would aplause u if u help other clan ??????????????????
U would be kicked most probebly.... because u help someone ???? Hahahha thats not unfathomable i wanna on our neighberhood
SERVER : Nuada
CLAN : Psycho (Chief)
CLASS: Warrior (Paladin)

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....


Not tru . If dominating clan dont move togeather they cant do nothing and its hard to make half clan move and start over for dominatin.

But if 20 of 100 active in clan would transfer and multybox.... they would do many demage over servers and theyr original clans wouldnt die be because they have in any server endgame .... they dont need to put efford in it so they will morelikley just team up all swamp server and do harm
firstly other thn gele nd new bt boss other bosses need only 15-18 toons... many ppl tri nd quad log so only need 5-6 peep to start on a server nd dominate (ik u need to kill gele regularly to become dom clan bt new ppl might join as well) it... u only need 8 toon to get lock...
2nd as of now only epona is free world widout dom clan
3rdly dom clan is nt some evil organization tht ll destroy the world so chill nd play...its just a game
i just feel bad fr ppl who quit server bcz they r casual gamer nd couldn't get gear bcz of tht or done some mistake wen they were new or alot of other things.. thts why penalty should be strong so tht ppl dont xfer untill they hv a strong reason on a side note players hv put a lot of efforts in making a dom clan nd most of thm r attached to clan nd server nd will nt xfer
Yea but as i expirianed myself
That sux i dont wanna be under some dumn rules just because that clan try block others not allowint to take bosses and gear then recruit u..... we did menage to pull it up so we do help low lvl clans.... but bro thats not enjoiment in game.... to not allowing others to gear so u can recruit them..... selfish so much that there is no other then seeking for power so much that u hurt other players in your neigburhood.... because that actualy is our server and clans are houses .....

I dont wanna join some dumb clans where i am not allowed to group other clannies help outsude of clan sometimes with loot and shet. U cant forbid me to help and they do try by giving us only one option.... and that shet is hapening... u think conco from don would aplause u if u help other clan ??????????????????
U would be kicked most probebly.... because u help someone ???? Hahahha thats not **** i wanna on our neighberhood
well thts wat i m trying to say there are many who play ch casually... they made a eg toon wid some efforts bt now dont hv time to make on another server nd are stuck on server wid players/clan tht fit in ur discription of clan nd so they just quit ch bcz they dont hv any other option.nd.. nt just casual gamer alot more peep quit bcz they dont get along wid dom. clan thing..... so. will give thm a chance to move to a server which fits thm... wat u saying is valid too nt gonna say there isnt any possibility bt just my opinion tht not many dom clan ppl will xfer if penalty is strong....
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....

ok what i want to say is tht penalty should be strong enuff so that people who r strong or clan who are dominanting a server should feel tht its nt worth it... on the other hand say a new player just leveled to 200 if u can just get his toon on other toon he will be happy to do even...
2ndly not many dom clan have that mind set imo to dominate all server.... if they had much time thry would hv done it already... it only take 2 months to make an eg toon.... as fr economy i hv nt bought anything from ah in last 3 months bcz its alreadt ruined in lugh so maybe thts why i m biased..
All of these are hyperboles to make a larger point.
The real issue with server transfers is the movement of players after they get gear on A where its easier they move to B which then produces a gear drought on A, which is 100x worse than a plat drought. Take a server like Epona where anyone can get anything and then a server like, well like any other.

The community has explored an infinite amount of possibilities for such a system to exist, but there are infinitely many problems to it. Games with fluid servers work but thats because they have always existed like that, a massive structural change like that would undermine the entire game ecosystem.
bt if tht petson get gears nd quit... wouldn't tht be same as gear lost from. server?!
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: I will sure leave game if they make server transfer....

Server transfers should be made possible. We paid real money to get gear and to lix multiple toons. So if we for one reason or another want to change server we should ofc be able to bring our toons and gear with us.
My thoughts exactly. I have 3 different servers with gear on and I will not go third party server transfers because of scamming or shenanigans, whichever comes first. I just want to consolidate all my gear on one server so I can casually play.
DR Derp of Donn

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