Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

What we got was more grinding.... A new raid that we have to wait weeks before we are supposed to be even to kill, and we don’t even know if it will be possible then. (Can’t rely on the word of OTM, you will always be disappointed in the end). Sure the new raid will have some great gear, but hey not like it will be showing up soon as we wait for our servers to have 40 toons with new t8 offhand, LOL.
That's literally what Everything said, it's a free to play mmo, there's always going to be the grinding side of the game

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

For me Gardens is a fail.

Promising but not good enough. Last week have not spend much time in gardens. Some days i dont go.

Better armour-No
Better offhand- No
Better rings- okish but expensive and non tradeable.

Normal bosses- no no no.

So overall a disappointment.
The Gardens was a huge success imo.

-Factions system? A very interesting and unique concept which I believe is only in its beginning stages and will be expanded on in future updates

-new faction lux shops? For the most part I’m pretty satisfied with the lux, although I wish the stats of some of the gear were switched around and the bardings were actually worth buying

-Faction bosses? Both are challenging and fun to kill. Got to kill lich in the beta and reaver in the live game and am satisfied with both for the most part.

-weekly quest/offhands? I love the weekly quest and the chance of getting a cool charm/barding/weapon and I wish there were more quests like that in the game. Can’t use the offhands yet so no comment yet besides I think it’s neat that otm are expanding the options, or atleast trying too.. idk

-bloodthorn? Can’t kill yet, but looking from the outside in I can say that the loot is very sexy and it’s one cool boss with challenging mechanics. I just hope otm is right about it requiring 40 toons with t8 offhands.

My only complaints really are:
1. Wish it was a true 180-220 zone.. would love to lix somewhere other than the tower.
2. I think the offhands should be 215 req
3. The ******* 4* mobs lol
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

The Gardens was a huge success imo.

-Factions system? A very interesting and unique concept which I believe is only in its beginning stages and will be expanded on in future updates

-new faction lux shops? For the most part I’m pretty satisfied with the lux, although I wish the stats of some of the gear were switched around and the bardings were actually worth buying

-Faction bosses? Both are challenging and fun to kill. Got to kill lich in the beta and reaver in the live game and am satisfied with both for the most part.

-weekly quest/offhands? I love the weekly quest and the chance of getting a cool charm/barding/weapon and I wish there were more quests like that in the game. Can’t use the offhands yet so no comment yet besides I think it’s neat that otm are expanding the options, or atleast trying too.. idk

-bloodthorn? Can’t kill yet, but looking from the outside in I can say that the loot is very sexy and it’s one cool boss with challenging mechanics. I just hope otm is right about it requiring 40 toons with t8 offhands.

My only complaints really are:
1. Wish it was a true 180-220 zone.. would love to lix somewhere other than the tower.
2. I think the offhands should be 215 req
3. The ******* 4* mobs lol
[*]Faction system is ok, maybe could have been implemented a little better. Add a few quests and a smaller grind, add more into the lore etc.
[*]New lux. As much as i hate using lux at EG, it was ok. But they could have added some random gear like the arrows into the weekly chests, so we didnt have to spend millions to get some gear.
[*]Faction bosses are my favorite part of CG, i love the mechanics and the need for only 2 groups
[*]Offhands are my least favorite other than the separation from tank to DPS for warriors, but that also is disappoint for only 40 slash dmg and giant swing skill? :lol:
Bloodthorn. Should not need any more than 20-30 players to kill, from what i have seen, coming from a small clan SUCKS.

And the best bit about the whole update was the increase of 5-6* frozen/dl and 3 minute window, but was not how i felt like it could have been handled better, the 4*s were the problem. But so far, im happy about the change. But what people have being saying whether the update was gunna be a make or break for older players, its certainly break.
A proud noob of the clan Avalon :)

"There is talent everywhere in the world, if given the opportunity" Barack Obama

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

i don't remember anyone saying we need a eg boss which require +50 toon to kill. Faction bosses are cool. Offhand fr mages is meh. We needed more bosses which we can kill bt as of now only 2 servers are able to kill it. if you thinking deciding a time when 60 toons can be logged is a big strategy then u are wrong. Either remove heal buff wen raged or nerf hp(preferable) . It ll be undoable on most servers (even wid t8 offhand bcz they trash(in a sense bcz not a big upgrade over edl offhand nd the reward fr efforts isn't proportionate)).
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

The Gardens was a huge success imo.

-Factions system? A very interesting and unique concept which I believe is only in its beginning stages and will be expanded on in future updates

-new faction lux shops? For the most part I’m pretty satisfied with the lux, although I wish the stats of some of the gear were switched around and the bardings were actually worth buying

-Faction bosses? Both are challenging and fun to kill. Got to kill lich in the beta and reaver in the live game and am satisfied with both for the most part.

-weekly quest/offhands? I love the weekly quest and the chance of getting a cool charm/barding/weapon and I wish there were more quests like that in the game. Can’t use the offhands yet so no comment yet besides I think it’s neat that otm are expanding the options, or atleast trying too.. idk

-bloodthorn? Can’t kill yet, but looking from the outside in I can say that the loot is very sexy and it’s one cool boss with challenging mechanics. I just hope otm is right about it requiring 40 toons with t8 offhands.

My only complaints really are:
1. Wish it was a true 180-220 zone.. would love to lix somewhere other than the tower.
2. I think the offhands should be 215 req
3. The ******* 4* mobs lol
[*]Faction system is ok, maybe could have been implemented a little better. Add a few quests and a smaller grind, add more into the lore etc.
[*]New lux. As much as i hate using lux at EG, it was ok. But they could have added some random gear like the arrows into the weekly chests, so we didnt have to spend millions to get some gear.
[*]Faction bosses are my favorite part of CG, i love the mechanics and the need for only 2 groups
[*]Offhands are my least favorite other than the separation from tank to DPS for warriors, but that also is disappoint for only 40 slash dmg and giant swing skill? :lol:
Bloodthorn. Should not need any more than 20-30 players to kill, from what i have seen, coming from a small clan SUCKS.

And the best bit about the whole update was the increase of 5-6* frozen/dl and 3 minute window, but was not how i felt like it could have been handled better, the 4*s were the problem. But so far, im happy about the change. But what people have being saying whether the update was gunna be a make or break for older players, its certainly break.
ironic only thing that most people like about cg update is dl bosses reduced timer lol.. bt ye +1 to the fact tht gele nd bt should be doable wid 30 toon geared wid bt drop nd around 35-40 widout geared wid bt drop. Just bcz otm cant make updates faster doesn't mean they should make bosses unkillable
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

Another great feedback thread.

I really like the idea behind the faction systems. There really is a lot of room to implement more in the future. (Even if something is great; it can always be improved. Feedback is never a bad thing.)

There is still a lot of ideas in the works for what comes next. This update has really given us some areas to improve on and focus on for future updates.

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

Factions are cool. But I don't think you should work on adding things to them before giving us an easier way to switch factions.
I don't feel like having to farm for hours (and I've seen enough people trying ro switch faction after getting a level -4 to know it takes too long) to switch faction, because a new update suddenly makes a faction far better than the other
World : Lugh
Clan: Pegasus
Istael : druid lvl 221
Zeto : rogue lvl 223
Istalrì : mage lvl 213

World: Sulis
Clan: Retribution
Guppy: warrior lvl 220
Hotu: ranger lvl 220
Ryujin: mage lvl 220
Istael: druid lvl 220
Xisuthros: warrior lvl 220

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

How many toons have EDL offhands? 1-10%? At most..
So the new area was designed for a small minority of the player base which is located in dominant clans.

The same time no lux offhands/mainhands are offered, EDL toons are offered 8 lvls of upgrades!!

And faction shops instead of allowing people to select the rings that fit their build have gone and limited selection by applying class restriction without addressing the different roles classes can play.

And where are the 180-200-220 bosses that were promised? Instead you get 3 220 bosses that offer nothing of use (dont need fashion charms, dont need echos and dps mainhand not my thing).

Sorry Gardens could have been good but the above are big issues. Its really bad when a new area opens and there is no interest to go there.

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

Another great feedback thread.

I really like the idea behind the faction systems. There really is a lot of room to implement more in the future. (Even if something is great; it can always be improved. Feedback is never a bad thing.)

There is still a lot of ideas in the works for what comes next. This update has really given us some areas to improve on and focus on for future updates.
I think its a bit unfair to ignore all the complaints that are fair feedback but come to the one post that is patting ur back on CG and calling it great. Perhaps theres more good in the bad, if u just read it and took it into consideration.
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OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

What we got was more grinding.... A new raid that we have to wait weeks before we are supposed to be even to kill, and we don’t even know if it will be possible then. (Can’t rely on the word of OTM, you will always be disappointed in the end). Sure the new raid will have some great gear, but hey not like it will be showing up soon as we wait for our servers to have 40 toons with new t8 offhand, LOL.
That's literally what Everything said, it's a free to play mmo, there's always going to be the grinding side of the game
I see him praising OTM while I am most definitely not. I loved beta, maybe it was just the testing aspect, but corrupted gardens was disappointing to me. I logged for the weekend to grind out tier3 of faction for weekly. Now what? I’m lvl220 tank, wtf am I supposed to do as I wait another 5-6 weeks for people to have tier 8 offhand so we can maybe kill BT. The answer is nothing new and exciting.
A grind for an mmo sure, not a bad thing. But literally everything in CH is a ridiculous and boring grind, even with elixirs to boost xp.
Wardon- 220 Warrior
Cryptic- 220 Rogue

Yeeticus- 220 Ranger

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