Celtic Heroes

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Post all of your attempts at Bloodthorn

This is basically a message asking servers to post ALL efforts you make at Bloodthorn. Fails, tests, even when you try to form but don't get the numbers. The more otm knows about any attempts (don't care about strats, there is none except kill everything and a few minor things) the better they can potentially change or help players kill in the future. If anyone needs any specific grp help or how to deal with X, or anything at all regarding the game or BT, feel free to ask me here, pm me, or add me on Line: eponastp. I'm not gna claim I'm some all knowing guru, but I think I can help. (also don't get disheartened if I don't reply asap, I'm lazy and I'll get to it lol)
Washed up Epona rogue that doesn't play
225 Rogue Toothpick
215 Warrior Anubis

Re: Post all of your attempts at Bloodthorn

The Challenge:
Kill Bloodthorn.

The Mistake:
don't care about strats, there is none except kill everything and a few minor things
The Reason:
I'm lazy and I'll get to it lol
Sorry for picking on you Toothpick :?
I for one think that OTM is at least semi knowledgeable about their player base. They won't create a boss that requires at least 50-60 characters to defeat. I'm sure there's a very viable strategy to defeating him, it'll just take some time to figure it out. Not every problem can be solved by throwing manpower and plat at it.

Granted I know there are many players out there who have been killing these bosses for years, who have tested BT extensively, and I'm not trying to say they are wrong. I just think there is a solution out there, it just needs to be found.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Post all of your attempts at Bloodthorn

The Challenge:
Kill Bloodthorn.

The Mistake:
don't care about strats, there is none except kill everything and a few minor things
The Reason:
I'm lazy and I'll get to it lol
Sorry for picking on you Toothpick :?
I for one think that OTM is at least semi knowledgeable about their player base. They won't create a boss that requires at least 50-60 characters to defeat. I'm sure there's a very viable strategy to defeating him, it'll just take some time to figure it out. Not every problem can be solved by throwing manpower and plat at it.

Granted I know there are many players out there who have been killing these bosses for years, who have tested BT extensively, and I'm not trying to say they are wrong. I just think there is a solution out there, it just needs to be found.
well we killed BT with tp as one of the main Guides..
so id say TP is most likely right here o.O
I'm looking to change the perception of people and all of the beautiful things that it brings,-Exe2k15
Executive of Epona
Beetlejuice of Donn
Clan: Concordiia
Youtube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1strz ... vH82nKhe4Q

Re: Post all of your attempts at Bloodthorn

well we killed BT with tp as one of the main Guides..
so id say TP is most likely right here o.O
Hey, if it works for you, great! By all means, continue lol. The point I was trying to make is that just because the challenge was completed, doesn't mean it was completed the best and easiest way.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Post all of your attempts at Bloodthorn

well we killed BT with tp as one of the main Guides..
so id say TP is most likely right here o.O
Hey, if it works for you, great! By all means, continue lol. The point I was trying to make is that just because the challenge was completed, doesn't mean it was completed the best and easiest way.
OTM doesn't want the 5* reset, and offtanking them creates huge problems for the raid, best solution is to kill on sight. Vines cause cloak and can take out your druids, solution is to kill on sight. Bloodthorn obvious has to be killed. Pots are obviously a necessity. Is there anything to the strategy other than running from poison pools that I'm missing? Epona has killed multiple times, and we've tried different ways of killing. Every change has made it more geared towards simply dps'ing everything down.

I'm curious about your 'best and easiest way' that takes those elements into consideration?
World: Epona

Alyssandra Ranger Lvl 221
Atropos Druid Lvl 225
Nyssa Rogue Lvl 215
Briar Rose Mage Lvl 215

Lasciel Rogue Lvl 217
Owl Ranger Lvl 190
Lenore Druid Lvl 191

I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

Re: Post all of your attempts at Bloodthorn

Crom had 60-65 on however only about 45 were 215+ and out of those 45 about half were under geared and the remaining were multi logged so we called off the attempt

Drop rates are too low on decent gear and the ones with edl weps are the ones who went inactive due to boredom and lack of content

40 people single logged with upgraded offhands and decent raid gear can no doubt kill (ide wager 40 single logged all with edl weps could kill), but that is too much for any server except perhaps epona because they have a lower percentage of the population forced to multi log on current raids.
World: Gwydion Clan: Relentless

Krumz~220+ Mage
Krums~220+ Dps Druid

Retirement dident work out for me .-.

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