Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: "Admin"

Admin is Richard I believe aka the founder of ch if I recall. He hasn't been active on forums in a while but used to be very active way back in the day.
Serethem Lvl: 210 Class: ranger
World:Herne Clan: Infection (full edl armor and bow thank you clan!)

Armageddon01 Lvl: 105 Class: Mage
World:Rosmerta Clan:

Re: "Admin"

Admin is Richard I believe aka the founder of ch if I recall. He hasn't been active on forums in a while but used to be very active way back in the day.
Sere! Come back to herne! Pm me on band. @tacos

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