Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

With the shadiness.. What Other Games?

With the current shadiness happening inside otm and ch. I found myself pushed away from game that much more. Heroes age isnt bad but it's Also an Asian server where I cant socialize.. And with it being ran by who it is. Hard to trust and with the current replies. Frankly I'm just hit feeling it.

What other games you guys try? Or play?
I've tried
Oac, midgard, all the anime ish type of games I cant think of names.

Is there any out there I havent seen that youd recommend?

Re: With the shadiness.. What Other Games?

Glad someone started this thread because I'm feeling the same way. Even though I was sometimes harsh and critical of OTM, with Muldar at the helm of the forums and Dexxa and Taps developing the new stuff I could trust that at the end of the day the game would remain stable and was in reasonably good hands. Been playing since december 2012, got my mage to where I wanted it to and maintained that spot for a while. Probably time I find something new to get involved with :)

Anyone know any games where mages are legit :3
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: With the shadiness.. What Other Games?

Try out izanagi. Its a pretty decent game and has many of the features ch has needed and weve asked for for a long time. It sounds asian i know and it is, but its no kiddie anime trash. Very good game.
Airrius 225 tank
TheGreenMan 216 druid
Balgair 221 rogue
Velocity 200 rogue
Iolo 225 ranger
Alistar 215 mage
Divym 223 mage

Re: With the shadiness.. What Other Games?

Try out izanagi. Its a pretty decent game and has many of the features ch has needed and weve asked for for a long time. It sounds asian i know and it is, but its no kiddie anime trash. Very good game.
mobile or PC

I've been looking at PC MMOS but problem is I have a mac and most of the engines out there don't support macs :cry:
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: With the shadiness.. What Other Games?

Try out izanagi. Its a pretty decent game and has many of the features ch has needed and weve asked for for a long time. It sounds asian i know and it is, but its no kiddie anime trash. Very good game.
I played that game back when what's his face advertised it on groupie I loved it but no one stuck around. I'd play again if I knew ppl

Re: With the shadiness.. What Other Games?

I really do not want to be negative about this OTM/CH situation, but it is not looking good at the moment. The whole 140k seems to be *** considering the player base is so small (unless addicts pay thousands upon thousands a week). The closing of the studio and many employees losing their job is very fishy as well. All in all, from what I've seen happened to many games, it seems like Celtic Heroes is going to not be a focus anymore and slowly be milked out until the player base becomes too low. Of course, I can be wrong and I really hope I am.

Now, on to your question lol...
I am pretty picky when it comes to games, but a really fun game where you do not need to spend hundreds to have good gear is OSRS (Old School Runescape). I am pretty busy with real life, so I do not play Celtic Heroes nor any other games with serious passion. But if Celtic Heroes were to die, I would go to OSRS. The game is similar to Celtic Heroes in some ways, however it is better in many ways. I'll make a list:
-You do not need to spend hundreds to get top gear or be a top player. As long as you follow guides, grind, and pay $9.99 (I think?) for a starting membership, you will not only have access to the members world, but you will also be able to have a lot more fun and have a lot of ways to grind gold (I just want to mention that by grinding, you can earn a good amount of gold which can be used for Bonds. A Bond gives you more days to you membership without paying irl money! Pretty cool, no?).
-You can play free, however the grind is heavier and you sadly are limited to content.
-The social aspect is pretty fun. I used to play Runescape in 2007 and it was always a joy meeting people. Thousands of people to talk with and become "internet friends" with. I think it isn't as personal as CH's social aspect, but it is still pretty good.
-There is a real PVP system (which is hella fun), a PVM system which is huge and rewarding, there are so many different things you can do besides killing things like fishing, farming, cooking, fletching, woodcutting etc. This game is basically more enjoyable content wise and is always updated to the players preferences (they even have a in-game voting system which determines what they add).
-The map is HUGE if you are a member. The locations are unique and cool to see, more variety honestly compared to CH.

Basically, if you want a game where you don't have to spend a witches to have "fun", you would love OSRS. There is a reason why so many people play it :0
An old character. . .

Re: With the shadiness.. What Other Games?

Try out izanagi. Its a pretty decent game and has many of the features ch has needed and weve asked for for a long time. It sounds asian i know and it is, but its no kiddie anime trash. Very good game.
I played that game back when what's his face advertised it on groupie I loved it but no one stuck around. I'd play again if I knew ppl
I tried it out when it first came out but didn't stick around because it had quite a few bugs. I assume it's better now though.

I'm looking for something mobile. I've tried OaC and OaC2. I liked 2 better but went back to CH because I lost interest. I might give it another go now that we may be without a home.
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Re: With the shadiness.. What Other Games?

Try out izanagi. Its a pretty decent game and has many of the features ch has needed and weve asked for for a long time. It sounds asian i know and it is, but its no kiddie anime trash. Very good game.
I played that game back when what's his face advertised it on groupie I loved it but no one stuck around. I'd play again if I knew ppl
I tried it out when it first came out but didn't stick around because it had quite a few bugs. I assume it's better now though.

I'm looking for something mobile. I've tried OaC and OaC2. I liked 2 better but went back to CH because I lost interest. I might give it another go now that we may be without a home.
I found oac2 fun when I had a small group to play with. But that group of people are gone now so made it boring for me.

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