Half of the guides were questionable, there was even one with less than twenty posts if I recall correctly.The people who were selected to be guides back in 2014 were mainly those active on the forums, back when it was common for active users have have 1%+ of all forum posts. Guide or not, almost all my PMs start with "Hey! I read your Druid guide...".
I believe OTM originally had plans to integrate guides further into the game and forums, however that never came to be. If VR chooses to expand the concept further, there are several I would nominate!
For those looking for further ways to help others, I recommend:
- making and maintaining a guide on your main class (probably the only reason people know me)
- mentoring players on your server
- helping others on 3rd party communication channels (I believe every class has a LINE group? There's a melee one, a DPS one too..)
- offering constructive, objective, and well-written feedback on ideas and implementations
Guide, moderator, admin, general, or not, those who carry weight in the CH community do so regardless of title.
It is a pointless position. What this forum needs is reputation where you can give reputation points on posts, thus, if someone has a high reputation then people will know if the poster is a veteran and knowledgeable.