It depends. The game isnt dead but it is in it's dying process even if it doesnt seem so. The issue resides in the switch between Glasgow team and Thai team, with almost zero information to us as well as what I consider worse performance in the content and support and community management aspects. Not only that, the gifts got worse, events are either worse or re-used, Ive been hearing countless of people saying that its not support team being slow but simply being unhelpful and inexperienced, such as players asking for help, VR answering and then the player answers and the communication stops there.
For example, a clannie of mine asked for help to get his occult quest, as he has alchemic. After suggesting various reasons why he cant get it (including asking to check if he may have dropped it before), he said he was replied by "You just need to lvl to 190 in order to get the occult armour quests". That player is lvl 216, and he insists he stated it in every ticket he sent.
I think the recent events have been awesome. Double gold/extra xp haven't been done by OTM in many years. Also, reused events?? Yes, they did another legacy boss spawn weekend....but I don't see any issue with copying from prior events, that's pretty much what OTM did every single season with the seasonal events. As for worse gifts....OTM did some pretty bad ones in the past too, and if my memory serves correctly, we got a free super combo last week. Yes, 2 sigils is pretty much useless, but its better than nothing.
Worse support and community management I can sort of understand...both are still pretty new and getting used to the game and its players, though I think it's mostly your opinion of them, or else limited cases. Sometimes bugs are tricky.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
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Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
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