Do y'all like to just focus on small points to fit your narrative? It states that these are just some of the items we're investigating and we don't know exactly what is going into this update prior. We will see if we can fit in some of these other changes. I don't know and I can't promise you if they will, because the team may think they're balanced and are working correctly with where they want to take the game in future. Every single one of those items on that list came directly from the feedback section of the forums.+1 rip chAnother pet from chests
No tweaks to cg offhands
No tweaks to skills
Well at least VR is following in the footsteps of OTM and not listening to player feedback. Nothing like consistency.
Y'all need to bring it back from all the doomsday stuff. You aren't helping anyone or pushing a constructive narrative. I understand that you want to see more change, but we have to update to Unity 2018 in order to keep developing the game. It's not a task we can push out any further.